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We the Sheeple of the United States of America

Thursday, June 07 2007 @ 12:26 AM CDT

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Conservatives, Liberals, Progressives, and Yellow Journalists all choose sides as they are led by ropes through the rings in their noses. How can 'all' sides be so blinded to reality as they are being played as the proverbial Pawns in the Game?

Folks, it is the divide and conquer scheme, the protocols of Zion, being implemented and as predicted by the schemers, the pawns will be pawns, fighting against each other, and in the background the reptilian overlords will do as they please while the Sheeple are busy fighting over a 'created' and manipulated 'issue.'

The Immigration War?

It seems that everyone has chosen sides in this GOP manipulated FAKE war! If this were an issue that 'really' needed attention then why wasn't this an election day issue in 1999, 2003, or 2006? Why was it not brought to public attention BEFORE the
(s)election process?

The Reptilian Turtle Bush spits out his talking point, Froggie Bill O'Reilly and the entire corporate media obey the Reptilian Overlords and deliver a new war through their brain-washers and mind-controlling machinery. The Bush talking point becomes the Media pabulum to deliver to the sheeple hour after hour, day after day, week after week.

All of a sudden the Immigration System has a problem, according to the finely tuned propaganda prepared by the overlords, then delivered to Reptile Rove, stumbled through by Turtle Bush, and the Lizard Media polishes it from every possible angle to consume the 'so-called' news. The Pawns in the Game fall for it again hook, line, and sinker.

The GOP has brought a 'new' divisive issue to the public. Everyone is choosing sides on a matter that was NOT deemed important enough to make it an election issue. You would think that the GOP would have more brains than this, since it was their God and Idol, Ronnie 'the other Cowboy' Reagan, that 'FIXED" immigration when he was in office!

People were demanding an end to an illegal war, the end to imperial occupation of another nation, the end to the Khristian torture tactics in Gitmo, rendition, Iraq and Afghanistan, the end to the genocide of the Iraqi nation, people, and culture, the end to the immoral, unethical, Khristian Kriminals in the GOP government, an end to Korporate Krime, an end to the GOP mercenary corporate armies, an end to immature and ignorant foreign policies, an end to the Bush name-calling against other nations and their leaders, an end to Khristian Fundamentalism taking over our government.

Bush, most of the Republican Reptiles and the whole GOP were being looked upon in disgust! PEOPLE were looking for ways to lawfully stop all these GOP Krimes against the U.S.A., Iraq, the world, and humanity. The PEOPLE were ordering Congress to do what was RIGHT and what was NECESSARY to end the dictatorship of the GOP and end all the other atrocities that the Khristian GOP has created.

Bush's popularity, Republican popularity were sunk, flushed down the toilet and resting with the maggots in the outhouse.

But the REPTILIAN Overlords know how to stop, and stop cold, such a move by the PEOPLE. Divide and conquer! Throw out a faux issue, an issue to divide, and deliver the message in a way to MAKE SURE it divides the people.

And the PEOPLE bought into the FAKE immigration problem that was created for them. The PEOPLE once again became SHEEPLE. The Matrix fed their pea sized brains with the crap.

And the Wheel goes Round and Round! And Bush and his Khristian GOPpers are getting away with exactly what the PEOPLE had ordered an end to. The Ministry of Propaganda performed expertly as they tip their hats to honor their God Heir Josef Goebbels.

The massive movement to STOP the atrocities was diluted by the Overlords putting the pabulum into the Matrix to be fed to the Sheeple -- and now they argue about an immigration problem that was not important at election times. Hook Line & Sinker.

People - Sheeple - You let the Reptiles beat you again.

While you Sheeple were dissecting a problem that was created for you, the Reptiles got all the money to continue the genocide of the Iraqi people, the torture continues, the mercenaries are still killing, your sons and daughters are still dying in an illegal war, and the GOP Oil Reptiles are stealing away the natural resources of their conquered nations, the GOP Kriminals are still stealing from us all, and the Khristian Traitors are still entrenched with their insane agenda in the highest offices.

And a word of common sense to you Khristians:
Refugees, illegal immigrants, illegals, wetbacks, etc., according to that Book you Adore and yet you ignore -- are PEOPLE - not 'things' - you have a right to 'shit' on.

But for the 'grace of God?' or the 'roll of the dice' YOU might have been born in a geographic area of poverty too, and YOU would be the illegal, the wetback, trying to make a better life for yourself and family.

So all you SHEEPLE know what's what… Bush has CAUSED illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants to Jordan, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey -- not even ONE of the pissers at the Reptile Media Inc has commented on this. Bush is the GOP Khristian God -- his real name is Janus -- two faced bastard.

But as big a dummy as Bush is -- You SHEEPLE have let him get away with the 'surge' and the 'purge' -- and YOU know nothing will change in the immigration system. He's proposing the exact same thing that Ride 'em Cowboy Reagan did. If'n that didn't fix the fake problem then, why would it fix the fake problem now?

But choose sides, feel like you are doing something important or making your opinion known-- and KNOW NOW - that nothing will change, because it was all a ruse to keep you and your mind off the REAL WARS, REAL KRIMES, and REAL ATROCITIES.

And you SHEEPLE that want a Reptilian Fence around America -- It didn't work for China, It didn't work for Rome, It didn't work for England, It didn't work for the USSR, and It won't work now! The little bit of Reptilian fence that was built in California was built by ILLEGAL ALIENS-- The WETBACKS! What HYPOCRITES the GOP Reptilian Khristians are! Serving their God Janus.

Oh yes, there will always be immigration problems that will have to be addressed, there always has been But it is Reptilian GOP planning to make it a war to divide the people. Divide the PEOPLE, dilute their attention, thus dilute their demands, and the GOP goes on operating illegally with impunity.

HEY SHEEPLE - you let the dumbest president in the history of the U.S. BEAT YOU!

Get off the MATRIX - Get off the Merry Go Round - Shut down the Booby Tube - and look at the Texas Bluebonnets - they will teach you far more than those yellow pissers at Reptile Media Inc.

The DemoRats do just what their Reptile masters tell them to. They caved in to Bush -- or did they? It was all a good show with B rated actors in Congress acting like they were going to do something to end the Treason. Remember Waco?!! Brought to you by the DemoRats! The Klinton DemoRats. Remember Yugoslavia? Another US illegal war, by the DemoRats.

They talk a good game and deliver to their Reptile Overlords.

The Klinton Adminstration 'all' should be behind bars for Krimes against Humanity - the massacre at Waco and the Krimes against the Yugoslavians. The Bush Adminstration has destroyed TWO nations for the acts of about 30 religious wingnuts! -- and still the GOPpers, billions of dollars later, still have not 'got their man' -- some bunch of Cowboys! INCOMPETENT! Bin Laden laughing his ass off - AT US, as he gets his CIA retirement checks.

Well SHEEPLE, you can go back to sleep, the Matrix DRIP is starting down the tube, to give you an alternate reality again. You are the blue pills.

I'm taking the red pill.

L. Savage

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