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Tuesday, April 23 2024 @ 08:38 PM CDT

Five months to reduce cellulite


Proper nutrition and specific training are the way to improve the appearance of the legs

by Chris Bertelli, iG

Anyone who wants to lose those feared holes in the legs, hips and abdomen should begin to fight them now.

Genetic predisposition, hormonal factors, diet and sedentary lifestyle are the main factors leading to the appearance of cellulite. As the first two are hard to change, the trick is to work on what can be changed: The best bet is on an exercise program and a more balanced diet.

"Five months is enough time, even for the sedentary," says Anne Murakoshi, physical education teacher of the Competition Academy. "In this period you can improve the skin's appearance, and only with exercise and diet," adds the physical education teacher, Regina Oliveira Bento, from the Contours gym in Sao Paulo. "But it takes discipline," she says.

The experts' recommendation to eliminate cellulite is to exercise five times a week. "You have to have dedication and regularity," said Marcus Zimpeck, physical education teacher of the academy Monday.

"We must fight the fat and poor circulation, so the ideal is to mix aerobic and weight training and do not focus on just one exercise," advises Oliveira. For those who have no contraindications, the teacher indicates jump classes, in which movements are performed over a mini trampoline. "The movements stimulate blood circulation in the legs, a region that concentrates the holes," he says. Murakoshi adds, "it obtains one of the best results." Spinning classes are also recommended.

Weight-training should be routine. "The more muscle mass, less laxity, less fat, less softness, less cellulite," says Zimpeck. And there is no reason to focus only on the lower limbs, building muscles anywhere in the body helps burn fat and keeps your metabolism working even at rest.

The work with weights is essential especially for thin women who are not free of this problem. In such cases, the villains are sagging and fatty foods. "The sagging accentuates the appearance of cellulite," said Oliveira.


But it's no good to sweat on the treadmill and then have a hamburger for dinner. Eliminating cellulite requires strict rules, especially with regard to food. Soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, candy, Oreos, ice cream, yellow cheese, fatty meats, white rice and bread are examples of what should not be consumed. "It is not forbidden, but allowed very occasionally," says nutritionist Deborah Adams, of the Contours gym.

Industrialized salt and sweetener in excess should be avoided. These products retain fluids and hinder the elimination of toxins. The nutritionist says it is essential that the bowel is functioning well, so that toxins can be released.

But there are foods that can boost your workout and give help in the elimination of cellulite. "Soybean oil, canola oil, chestnuts, nuts, leaner meats, oranges and other fruits rich in vitamin C, as well as foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium are indicated. Fish that are rich in omega 3 and have anti-inflammatory properties are also good choices."

A Last Hint

The recommendation is not new, but should be strengthened for those who want to improve the appearance of the skin: drink plenty of water. According to experts, it helps in removing toxins and improves blood circulation.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova



Eliminating Cellulite ( Water Retention and Toxin ) with Healthy Lifestyle

Partly due to the different structure of the skin, and the fact that women have more underlying fat, women suffered more than 8 times than men in Cellulite problem.

Health and Beauty

The problem is mainly due to water retention plus an accumulation of toxins in the body, which have weakened the connective tissue just below the surface of the skin. It is much less common In female athletes who have very low body fat.

Some Helpful Tips

Massage in any form is beneficial as it increases circulation and lymph drainage. if you are not able to treat yourself to a massage on a weekly basis, invest in a skin brush, which increases circulation and helps eliminate toxins from the body. Skin brushes are available from all health shops and the Body Shop.

Detox body oil (juniper, rosemary, grapefruit and fennel) helps detoxify and firm the body by improving microcirculation, oxygenation and elimination. Juniper and fennel are natural diuretics.

Begin taking more exercise to improve on circulation and eliminates toxins, Rebounding in yoga could be helpful too in your quest to reduce cellulite.

If you need to lose weight, do it gradually as losing weight is an on-going process. Furthermore, losing weight too rapidly and quickly could makes the appearance of cellulite look worse.

Smart Health

Foods to Avoid

High-fat foods, refined carbohydrates such as mass-produced cakes and biscuits plus meat pies and pastries.
Foods with a high salt content such as tinned foods, pre-packaged foods and take-aways, which also tend to contain a lot of saturated fats.

Also avoid too much coffee and alcohol, which place a strain on the liver, which is already struggling to deal with the toxins from your diet. The more you take care of your liver, the more your skin will improve.

Eating Healthily

Eat plenty of complex carbohydrates like beans, lentils, fruits, vegetables, and brown rice. These foods help increase the rate of metabolism, making fat deposits less likely and increase elimination of toxins from the body.

Make sure you drink plenty of water and add organic seeds like sunflower, pumpkin and linseed to fruits salads and cereals.

Pectin in apples helps to absorb and eliminate toxins – eat an organic apple daily.

Useful Remedies

The herb gotu kola is by far the best-researched and most successful remedy for cellulite when taken orally. Try 500mg 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

A multi-vitamin and mineral daily.

Horse chestnut cream, gel or lotion applied twice a day reduces some of the swelling and discomfort and helps to strengthen the connective tissues, which tend to be damaged when you have cellulite. Available from all good health stores.

Cellulite tincture contains bladderwrack, alfalfa, horse chestnut, dandelion and gotu kola to improve micro circulation, elimination and oxygenation, as well as speeding up the metabolism.

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