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80 Reasons Why It’s Time To Take These Republican/Tea Party 'Sons Of Bitches' Down

Tuesday, September 06 2011 @ 11:20 PM CDT

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By Stephen D. Foster Jr.

At a Labor Day event yesterday, Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa gave a fiery speech about the tea party, telling the American people that “It’s time to take these sons of bitches out.” And each and every one of us should listen. For the last thirty years, the American people have been under assault from the right-wing and their corporate overlords. Everything that makes America strong is being weakened and the American people are suffering. So if you need a reason why we should end the Republican/Tea Party, here are 80 of them.

1. They want to take away your Social Security.
2. They want to end Medicare.
3. They want to wipe out labor unions.
4. They want to send every last American job overseas.
5. They want to pollute the air we breathe.
6. They want pollute the water we drink.
7. They want to persecute non-Christians.
8. They want declare a state religion.
9. They took America hostage during the debt ceiling debate.
10. They want to take America hostage in every debate from now on.
11. The want to make it legal for businesses to discriminate.
12. They want to segregate our schools.
13. They want to allow oil companies to rape America’s environmental treasures for any trace amount of oil.
14. They refuse to give aid to the American people who go through natural disasters.
15. They want to end funding for natural disaster warning systems.
16. They want to take away the right to vote.
17. They want to make abortion illegal, even in cases of rape.
18. They want to abolish the corporate income tax.
19. They want to raise YOUR taxes but not taxes on the wealthy.
20. They want to end workplace safety regulations.
21. They ARE racists.
22. They disrespect the President at every opportunity.
23. They don’t support health care for every American citizen.
24. They want to allow health insurance companies to drop people.
25. They want to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency.
26. They want to illegally spy on American citizens.
27. They want more wars.
28. They want to indoctrinate our kids.
29. They want to make laws requiring every person to own a gun whether you like guns or not.
30. They want kill Planned Parenthood and end critical health care services for women.
31. They want to ban contraceptives and condoms.
32. They want to kill homosexuals.
33. They want to end unemployment benefits.
34. They want our infrastructure to crumble.
35. They want to end the independent judiciary branch, and turn it into a strictly conservative branch.
36. They want to keep women from earning equal pay for equal work.
37. They want President Obama to fail at all costs.
38. They want to continue the same failed economic policies that put us into a recession.
39. They rewrite and distort history.
40. They want to end public education for all.
41. They want to repeal the Voting Rights Act.
42. They care more about Wall Street than they do about Main Street.
43. They have voted to end 1.9 million jobs and have created zero.
44. They want to make it legal to kill doctors who provide abortions.
45. They want to reinstate ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
46. They encourage gun violence.
47. They refuse to vote for cleaner, more efficient energy sources.
48. They want to deport hispanics, whether they were born here or not.
49. They support Israel’s President over our own.
50. They want to abolish minimum wage laws.
51. They think corporations are people.
52. They want to repeal portions of the Constitution.
53. They want to pull America out of the United Nations.
54. They support torture.
55. They want to teach creationism in schools.
56. They reject science.
57. They want to make cohabitation before marriage a crime.
58. They want to allow health insurance companies to not cover sick children.
59. They want to end food stamps.
60. They make government ineffective.
61. They want to take away your pensions.
62. They want to privatize prisons to put more people in jail.
63. They want to end your right to collectively bargain with your employer.
64. They want to ban the unemployed from being considered for employment.
65. They want end funding for legal services for the poor.
66. They want to end Miranda Rights.
67. They think all liberals are un-American.
68. They refuse to give any credit to President Obama for ordering the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
69. They refuse to acknowledge that 9/11 occurred during the Bush Administration.
70. They declared fiscal martial law in a Michigan town and fired the legally elected local government.
71. They called President Obama a liar during his State Of The Union Address.
72. They refuse to cut the Defense budget, which if cut in half would still be the largest defense budget in the world.
73. They apologize to foreign oil companies when they take heat for oil spills.
74. They take orders from the Koch brothers.
75. They sign pledges drawn up by conservative activists, and ignore their pledge to serve the constituents who voted for them.
76. They use conservative media to push the right wing agenda even if it means distorting the news or flat out lying.
77. They want to cut nutrition programs for children.
78. They want to cut housing and energy assistance programs that help poor people.
79. They want to slash job training programs that help the unemployed.
80. They think teachers are thugs.

So let’s do what Jimmy Hoffa says we should do. Let’s use our vote and take these ‘sons of bitches’ down. We have every reason to do so.



The Republican / Tea Party Lie


We’ve all heard the rhetoric on TV. Government doesn’t work, government should be small and efficient, cut the spending, lower the taxes, power to the people etc.

The Republicans, and their Tea Party friends are constantly reminding us that the government is bad and wrong. We should hack away at the red tape, bureaucracy and waste, and create a streamlined and efficient government that spends as little as possible, lets people take personal responsibility for themselves, and allows companies to operate freely in a capitalist market place where market forces and consumer democracy will keep everyone honest and fair.

It’s a wonderful vision (at least to some), much like the way they reminisce about the ‘good old days’ of the 1950s, where good honest hard working men would go to the factory, do an honest days work, and earn enough to support his housewife, car, two kids, dog, and home.

The problem with the small government vision, just like the idyllic and mythical ‘good old days’ is that it is a complete lie and fabrication, invented to invoke an emotion and to gain votes among the gullible and ill-informed.

Other than in soundbite and words, Republicans have demonstrated quite clearly that they do not actually support any of the above concepts of small government and low taxes. During the last Republican administration, government agencies expanded at a rate never seen before in this country. Hundreds and hundreds of agencies monitoring this, or policing that, each trying desperately to justify their existence and demand greater and greater budgets to support their ‘important’ roles.

Since the Republican Congress came to power this year, we have had to hear over and over how this country is ‘broke’ and how we must make sweeping cuts to teacher pay, unions, special interests, charities, Planned Parenthood, and anything they can find relating to ‘Obamacare.’ But really most of the cuts are little more than an attack on anything even remotely liberal or in place to help the vulnerable in society such as the poor, sick, disabled, children and the elderly.

Republicans also scoff when they are reminded that our current financial crisis began as a result of dismantling rules and regulations designed to keep companies from doing whatever they feel like. They also get mad when you remind them that part of our budget issues are related to starting two long running wars in the Middle East that were never really paid for with appropriate tax increases.

But beyond the lies about why we need to destroy important social programs that benefit our society, there is the incredibly irritating argument about personal liberty and general societal liberty that quite simply moves into disillusion territory. Republicans have made it quite clear that although they talk about people having freedom, this does not extend to a woman having an abortion. There have been some scary assaults against a woman’s right to choose in the past few weeks, including some Republicans suggesting that killing an abortion doctor shouldn’t really be considered murder, and that a woman who had a miscarriage should have an invasive government sponsored investigation just to determine if she should be jailed for murdering a ‘baby.’ Don’t you just love the concept of taking a grieving woman who just had a miscarriage, and force them to undergo high stakes government scrutiny where if she gets unlucky she might end up in jail? Remember too the Republican initiative that said it was okay for a woman to die if saving her might cause an abortion.

Then of course we have the issue of gay rights. Republicans can’t stand the idea of gay people having rights, and resist any movement towards accepting gay marriage, or giving gay people equal rights. So how exactly does this correlate with a small and non-interfering government? Surely if we are talking about freedom and a lack of government control, we don’t need the government preaching morality, quoting the Bible, and telling people who love each other that they are not allowed to get married.

In many countries online gambling is now a perfectly normal and legal activity, that generates significant tax revenue. But Republicans passed draconian anti-gambling laws in 2006 which were never debated and were attached to unrelated anti-terror bills. Thanks to the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, banks are now required to closely monitor people’s private bank accounts, so they can notify the government if something that looks related to online gambling takes place, and deny financial transactions with legitimate, legal, foreign businesses. Does this sound like freedom to you?

I’m sure the issue of pot has been debated to death, and it’s pretty clear that Republicans believe in the war on drugs, which costs us billions of dollars. Is this a hallmark of small government when we have to tell citizens then can’t grow a pot plant and smoke the leaves, threatening them with jail if they fail to comply? I mean really, why in the spirit of small government and less interference do we care?

One could really fill a book with all the things Republicans want to ban, control, tightly regulate, or impose their moral or Christian values upon. And really I have no problem with any of it. If Republicans want to run on a platform of creating their own Christian version of Saudi Arabia here in the good old U.S. of A. then that’s fine. But be honest about it. Stop telling us that you want to cut government spending while you are spending billions to allow the richest 2% of people in society pay less tax. Stop telling us about personal liberty while taking it away from us. Stop with the lies, and tell us for real what you want to do.

Of course, this is never going to happen. While there are some misguided souls out there who would support such things, many of the Republican base would run for the hills if they were really aware of what they were supporting.

Ultimately you have to hand it to Republicans. Proven to be a party that only cares about increasing the gap between rich and poor, in favor of the millionaires, they still manage to own certain issues like gun control, war, religion, reproductive rights, and gay rights, all of which they use shamelessly to encourage ordinary Americans to consistently vote against their own self interest. Where else in the world do you see someone living in absolute poverty in a rented trailer, without proper access to health care, good nutrition, and education, consistently voting for a party that helped put him into grinding poverty in the first place, that has no stated intention of helping him in the future? I guess if you have to give Republicans credit for doing something amazing, that would be it.


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