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Saturday, April 20 2024 @ 01:13 AM CDT

Fox News: Poor Karl Rove Suffered for Two Years

Mind Control

How low will Fox News stoop to curry favor with the Bush administration? So low that its show hosts are willing to publicly commiserate with poor, persecuted Karl Rove.

The three partisan boobs that hold down the hosting duties of "Fox and Friends" on Thursday (Sept. 14, 2006) nearly brought me to tears with sympathy for poor Rove with their two segments -- count 'em -- two segments -- on the latest development in the outing of CIA agent Valeria Plame.

Steve Doocy, E.D. Hill, and Brian Kilmeade began carrying on last week about the fact that someone in the State Department, Richard Armitage, has admitted being the source for Bob Novak's column outing Plame. To their mind, this means Patrick Fitzgerald wasted his time investigating and charging Scooter Libbey and investigating Rove.

The three amigos ran a full-screen image of Armitage's statement in a television interview regarding what he told Novak: “At the end of wide-ranging interview he asked me ‘Why did the CIA send Ambassador Wilson to Africa?' I said I didn’t know but that she worked out at the agency…I didn’t know anything about his wife and made an off-hand comment. I didn’t try to out anybody.”

In the second of their two segments, Kilmeade demanded from Novak, a Fox News analyst, "Is Armitage telling the truth, Bob?"

After the big buildup, I expected something earth-shattering, but got this instead from Novak:
"I have a somewhat different recollection of the meeting. ... It wasn’t right at the end. It was near the end of the interview, and I asked him why in the world they had sent Joe Wilson as somebody without experience in intelligence, without expertise in nuclear policy, and without recent experience in Africa, why they would send him on this, and he said that it was suggested, now this is much stronger than his comments last week. He told me it was suggested by his wife, who worked, he told me in the counter proliferation division at the CIA.. So he knew where she worked, he said she suggested it, and Mr. Armitage is not saying that right now."

Not exactly stop the presses material.

Novak and the three amigos then went on to speculate as to why Armitage did not come forward. Novak says he didn't do it until the Justice Department began investigating the leak.

"He could have talked, he could have went up to the president, he could have let everyone know," said Kilmeade.

Earlier, Kilmeade had commiserated with Rove, saying, "Meanwhile Karl Rove went through two years of a horrible life style. The whole administration in many ways was ground to a halt." Despite his show of sympathy for Rove, Kilmeade couldn't answer a simple question from Hill (does she ask any other kind?) about the case: whether Plame will add Armitage to her lawsuit.

What these folks omit in their zeal to suck up to Rove is that there were other leaks than the one by Armitage to Novak -- ones to Time magazine and The New York Times, for example. Those leaks could indeed have been a campaign orchestrated by someone to smear a Bush political enemy.

There's no mystery as to why Fitzgerald continued to investigate.

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