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Sunday, May 26 2024 @ 05:04 AM CDT

Our Election Reflection - Have Real Christians Come Forward?

Age of Reason

One thing NOT being spoken of by analysts, of which there are hundreds of thousands of them, is that this election should wake up both parties to is that the American people are NOT 'all' consumed with the agendas of the Radical Religious Right!
Pro-Choice won in some very conservative states. This is damning to the party endorsing these issues at the behest of the Religious Radical Right.

Anti-gay marriage also won, but mostly because the American people are not taught the truth and facts about the U.S. Government

Having sat with evangelicals in pews years upon years, I know these may be issues that matter to them personally, but are not all-consuming issues that they care about politically. Most of the Pew Evangelicals prefer that the government leave them alone, and with that concession, the church leave government alone. Deep down these Pew Evangelicals KNOW that the government is not supposed to support any religion.

It is OBVIOUS that the Pew Evangelicals voted their own conscience and reason, and did so 'in the face' of their mouthy pundit leaders.

The mouthpieces of the Radical Religious Right are the ones pushing these agendas to the forefront and into the news media. It is not the Pew Evangelical Christians! The leadership of the organizations and churches have their own agenda, and it is not the agenda of the Pew Christians or anyone else. It's their private jihad against America and against their own people.

Most people, including the pew warmers, simply do not care about pushing Creation beliefs to the forefront of political affairs. They know deep down, this is a spiritual belief that cannot, should not, and will not be verifiable scientifically. If science were able to prove the Adam and Eve story as written in the Bible, then there is no need for 'belief.' Belief is the cornerstone of the religion! Without that belief, there is no need for Christianity and without belief the foundation and tenets of the faith are of no account.

The surprising repeal of bans on abortion in these elections also show that the everyday pew Christian does not hold that issue important in the political arena. Once again if they were to conform the world to their lifestyle, then there is no way they could obey their faith, where it tells them to be in the world, but not of the world. Simply translated, their scripture tells them not to have an abortion if they personally think it would be a sin to themselves. They are to abstain, being in the world but not of it.

Gay marriage amendments or laws are an effort in futility. It is a waste of time and money that the Religious Radical Right leadership pushes to the frontline fights, but it again is not one that the person in the pew would based his political fortunes in. The United States Constitution is gender blind and moot on the matter of marriage. Somewhere some pundit has screwed everything up. Government DOES not grant marriages. Some states restrict certain marriages on age or for health reasons, but over all no state grants a marriage. The states are merely the 'grand' recorder of marriages. People marry themselves. The government has never done that. Preachers officiate at a ceremony and as a WITNESS to the marriage. Those that are not hung up on religion may get a justice of the peace to perform a ceremony and be a witness to the marriage.

Ceremonies are not required! Never have been -- the common law marriage still exists and is used more and more as people, including pew Christians, get disillusioned with religious ceremonies.

Ex Post Facto: If two men or two women have common lawed themselves to marriage, then how can anyone pass a law that makes illegal, what was legal? The rule of law on government states, this cannot happen. How can we be a nation of people with equal rights under the law, if we create laws that discriminate, even in marriage.

The end result of all of this rhetoric and wasted time and money, is that in a couple years all those laws and amendments will have to be struck down as unconstitutional.

It is only the self-aggrandizing and self-appointed pundits of the Radical Religious Right that keep the heat turned up on this issue, not the Pew Christians.

The election today, could be interpreted, that the Evangelical Christians that warm the pews and pay the bills, reject the Radical Right leaders pushing these matters into the political arena.

The fact remains, that the government is not responsible for establishing, maintaining, creating, upholding, or restoring Family Values or any such religious agenda. In fact, government becomes liable for even approaching these matters.

The Radical Religious Right leadership has failed. They want the government to repair and restore what they have failed at. The churches, synagogues, mosques, etc., are the only institutions on American soil that have the authority to teach and train FAMILY VALUES.

No one is forcing Christians to have homosexual affairs. No one is forcing Christians to have gay marriages. No one is forcing Christians to seek divorces. No one is forcing Christians to have abortions. No one is forcing Christians to abandon traditional family values. No one is forcing Christians to abandon their belief in Adam and Eve creation.

Saying that, their Radical Right Leaders, and the politicians they have on the purse, should not be forcing the rest of Americans to conform to their beliefs. The Pew Christians do not hold these matters important POLITICALLY.. they are important to them personally. The church, as a whole has failed, not only itself, but its members and its own tenets of faith. That can only be blamed on the leadership.

While I am not personally 'for' gay marriages, being raised with different values, I'd rather defend their right to marriage, than have one of my freedoms quashed, or legislated. Once the door on marriages is cracked, the government will take on more presumptions of authority, even taking the power to grant or deny marriage between man and woman.

The leadership of the Radical Right and in most churches do not think beyond their noses. They spout to the masses what they think will 'rile' the crowed, and get the money flowing towards the pulpit.

It's time for the Pew Christians to take back their churches, reclaim their gospel, and hold their own leaders feet to the fire. Make these mouthpieces 'stick' to the gospel and stay out of politics. From my experience with most of these mouthpieces, most have never held a real job, and work their one or two days a week, rake in the cash, and spend the rest of their time cavorting with the 'world' and secular leaders, impressing their own self-appointed importance on these politicians. Their own scripture condemns them for it, for they pray publicly for all to see, to get the rewards of praise from man.

The Ted Haggard 'fall from grace' --that's the way his 'colleagues' describe it -- had to bear on the minds of many Pew Christians when they decided to vote AGAINST hypocrisy and corruption. His 'fall from grace' is really best described in words that the rest of us would use. He was a con-man, a liar, a hypocrite, a drug user that swindled millions from the members of the church as a false teacher. My prediction is that there is a lot more to this scandal.. we will discover how much he has swindled from the people.

Since this hypocrite was a weekly advisor to the White House many voters had to reckon if Bush surrounds himself with trash like this, it was time for a change.

BUT, Ted Haggard is only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG. He simply caught exposed first.

I am a confirmed non-Christian. Don't read too much into that statement either. But we should all be thankful that the Pew Evangelicals were not all fooled by those foolish Radical Right mouthpieces. The Pew warmers voted for a 'return to reason'. They really voted for Christian values… no more war, no more murders, no more scandals, no more corruption, no more lies, no more swindles, no more sex scandals, no more rape, no more dirty tricks from the GOP. (The GOP did all that filth in the name of the Lord and the church) Next perhaps the Pew Christians will demand the same from the Evangelical leadership.. Hey Christians, take back your faith, the Radical and Morbid leaders of the GOP and the Radical Right have perverted it.

My hat's off to the Pew Christians that saw through the filth and demanded change with the rest of us. Now its time to make sure BOTH parties DO IT!

L. Savage

(PS, Dear Pew warmers, Don't let fools like FOX network and Bill O'Reilly defend your religion or values.... they make you look like idiots)

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