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Thursday, April 18 2024 @ 10:15 PM CDT

3rd Reason I'm Not a Christian - 3rd Reason You Shouldn't be one Either

Whited Sepulchers

Ignorant Gluttonous Radical Right Preacher Lies to the flock.

Shepherd shits in the Living Waters then sends the herd to drink.

Christians plan 'night to honor Israel'

Evangelicals in US and other nations will hold mass events to 'thank the Jewish people,' Jerusalem Knesset Caucus told

by Yaakov Lappin

Example of the SIN of Gluttony

A leading Evangelical US pastor has announced plans to hold a "night to honor Israel " in every major American city as part of an Evangelical political campaign.

Pastor John Hagee, a Christian leader from Texas, was given an award by the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus during a ceremony jointly held with the World Jewish Congress Monday night, to "honor our Christian allies." {See Note 1 Below}

Addressing the conference by a satellite-linked screen, Hagee delivered an emphatic speech, declaring: "It's time for us Christians in America , from coast to coast, to speak up for Israel." {See Note 2 Below}

He added that his organization aimed to hold "every congressman and senator accountable for their position on Israel." {See Note 3 Below}

"It's important for Christians to reach out to the Jewish people. For the first time in the history of America, the spiritual leaders of America are looking up rabbis and saying: 'We want to thank you,'" Hagee declared.

The pastor announced his plans for "a night to honor Israel in every major American city," adding: "Why is this happening? Some of you are secular Jews, this may be hard for you… This is happening by God. God almighty recognized that the integrity of his word was on the line." {See Note 4 Below}

Hagee noted that his organization could provide information to tens of millions of Americans.

'Don't give land away'

He also warned that "the continual giving of land to enemies is contrary to what the bible teaches and contrary to the security of Israel." {See Note 5 Below}

Reacting to Hagee's speech, Knesset Member Elhanan Glazer, of the Pensioner's Party, told Ynetnews: "I hope he understands that as difficult as it is, we must give up land, with a heavy heart, to the Palestinians. Life is more important than land." {See Note 6 Below}

Throughout the meeting, the delegates exchanged warm words, describing one another as members of a common Judeo-Christian "family" and civilization.

Knesset Member Benny Elon told the conference that the meaning of Hanukah was to warn Jews against assimilating to foreign cultures, while Purim warned of the physical danger posed to the Jewish people. {See Note 6 Below}

He emphasized that the Caucus was founded on a "real love" between Jews and Christians, and that neither side sought to use the relationship for tactical gains. "I know that there is a sincere and real love of our Christian allies… not as a means to and end… not as part of a plan - 'I love you and then you'll be converted ' - but real love."

Elon added that the new alliance with Evangelicals was prophesized in the Torah, citing a prediction of support for Israel by other nations following the "return of the people of Israel to Zion." {See Note 7 Below}

'Expel the darkness'

During the meeting, a Hanukah menorah was lit, and several references were made linking the holiday to contemporary issues.

Moshe Leshem, a reserve colonel and former anti-disengagement activist, told the Caucus meeting that "since Judah the Macabee, the Jewish people have been surrounded by hatred." {See Note 8 Below}

"Today, we are once again facing a very big trap… countries like Iran threaten to wipe us out from under the sun. And you know as Christians, they will kill us on Saturday but they will try to kill you on Sunday," Leshem warned, adding: "We must unite to expel the darkness." {See Note 9 Below}



1. The World Jewish Congress, while sounding impressive, is really a privately owned company out of Canada. It is owned by the Bronfmans, who bought it, lock, stock, and barrel, when it was bankrupt. It did not have the support of the Jewish Community to even keep it afloat. It was purchased with money that originated from illegal activities. The Bronfman's were the money launderers for the Al Capone Mafia and were the suppliers of Capone's illegal booze during prohibition. The Bronfmans own and control the Seagram's companies. Seagram's sells booze throughout the world under many labels. While our servicemen were freeing the Jews from the prison camps during WW2, the Bronfmans were involved in price-fixing in the U.S. and the government took them to court for it. A Texas girl, Holly Maddux was brutally murdered by Ira Einhorn and the Bronfman's illegally smuggled him out of the United States to Canada, and then on to France, where he evaded justice for his crime for decades. The Bronfmans were the conspiracy that lobbied the government to take Freon 12 off the market, as dangerous, because their patent was running out. They coerced this government into banning Freon 12 and replace it with MORE dangerous and much higher priced replacements, from Bronfman.

This is the trash that this preacher is selling to the flock. This is the garbage this fat fool is hanging around with.

Read extensive research into the Bronfman Mafia:

  • Bronfman, Bush, Cheney - Seagrams, Zapata, Brown & Root - ALL INTERCONNECTED IN THE SPIDER'S WEB
  • Bronfman and the Mafia
  • The Bronfman Canadian Green Party & Jewish Congress Private HolyCost
  • Does Seagram Sleaze Incite anti-Semitism?
  • Money Laundering & the Bronfman Mob
  • The Bronfman Crime Families
  • Bronfmans Control New York? The Hidden Hand at Work
  • The Bronfmans - Accessories to MURDER?
  • The Bronfmans and the JFK Assassination
  • Bronfman Accused of Criminal Negligence
  • Bronfman Wants the Jewish/Nazi Gold
  • Bronfman - The Real Holocaust Mercenary
  • Bennet Asks US Senate to CENSOR BRONFMAN!
  • Bronfmans Attempt to Obtain Tax Credits Illegally
  • Bronfmans Evade $800 million in Taxes with Aid of Revenue Canada
  • Bronfmans Make Illegal Campaign Contributions in Israel
  • Bronfman - King of the Jews
  • Bronfman & Bush - Never Too Far From the Gold
  • Shame on Mr. Bronfman and Shame on His Corporation
  • Bronfman and the Freon CON
  • A Valid Report of Hatred & Racism by the Bronfman's B'nai B'rith
  • Bronfman & the Prop-Masters - A True Holocaust Revisionist!

    2. When were Christians told by Jesus to speak up for Israel? If Jesus didn't say it, then it's a fat ignornant man saying it.

    3. If his religious organization is threatening Congress, then it has entered into politics and should be taxed like any other business. This religious organization cannot VOTE. It has no official say about anything.

    4. It's happening by God? That's what this fat fool said! How can war and misery be happening by God? That's a self-serving LIE. I demand he PROVE God told him that. If he can't then its just bullshit.

    5. Giving away land is against the Bible? I was watching a special on the Ark of the Covenant, just tonite, on television. Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived according to the Bible. Solomon gave away entire cities that belonged to Israel! He gave them away for MONEY to build the Temple. So this flatuating Texas size liar is intentionally taking the herd of his sheeple to drink in those muddied waters.

    The Hebrews never took all the land that was offered to them by God and the land they took was NOT THE PROMISED LAND. Just ask the Hebrew spy Caleb. Caleb and his sons were the ONLY Hebrews to live in the PROMISED LAND. The land of Israel was God's 2nd choice for Israel due to their COWARDICE.

    6. What Mr. Glazer said about land and life is more like what Jesus would have said! Read the Beatitudes! I ain't lying. The fat fart from Texas is.

    It is dangerous to the Jewish people to assimilate with Christians, according to their traditions and religious teachings. What's more is that no self-respecting Jew can give a love and a hug to another religion that is contrary to what the Torah teaches, and especially since they know for a fact that the Christian religion itself is built on a lie. The 'Myth of Jesus has served the Christian religon well.' (paraphrased from the Pope)

    7. This statement is largely a presumption. The idea that support will be coming is rather demeaning, when the promise was that the nations would come to Israel to be blessed. Not the other way around.

    The misinterpretation of his own quote is astounding. It says the PEOPLE of Israel - not the land of Israel, will return to ZION. Any self-respecting honest Orthodox Rabbi will tell you they don't have a CLUE were or what Zion is.

    8. Hatred of the Jew, anti-Semitism, started with Julius Caesar. The Jews refused to buy their silver from Julius Ceasar's treasury and were importing or smuggling it in from India, at much cheaper prices. This infuriated the Caesar and he started a hate campaign against the Jews, which remained during the Roman Empire and was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church, who perpetuated the hatred to this present day. (Read Middle Ages Revisited and The Worship of Augustus Caesar by Alexander Del Mar. available from

    9. Mr. Lesham needs to take a qualified course in elementary mathematics. Iran won't have the capability, (if they are persuing it) of a nuclear weapon for 4 or 5 years. Israel has had them for many years. Israel is armed to the hilt, and that is a major reason for the nations around it being uneasy with the Israel nation. Nobody wants to wipe anything off the map. Not even the Palestinians want to wipe it off the map. They want what was promised to them by England and the United Nations. Unite to expel the darkness? The Seagram's owned World Jewish Congress and the Radical Right Reich of Evangelical Wingnuts ARE THE DARKNESS!

    Summary: I will never succomb to a religion that has such ignorance being a self-appointed mouth piece. I will never succomb to mind control by so-called ministers that pick and choose from what Jesus taught. I will never be duped by a man, an ignorant man, that adds words and interpretations to what his God said.

    It's all bullshit from these kind of Christians, so I'll never be one. After all Jesus said he was coming back to rule over those called by his name with an iron rod. Well y'all can have your iron rod treatment. You brought in the GOP and they are practicing the iron rod techniques in Iraq and at Gitmo. Maybe they will turn the tables on the Reich Wing Khristians?

    How do you know when that Christian preacher is lying? When he wakes up.

    Whether Jesus was real, or whether someone else wrote the words for the Sermon on the Mount, this nonChristian thinks those words are some of the most beautiful ever written down. So why don't your dirty, fat, lying, preachers live by that sermon?

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