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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 12:20 AM CDT

Don't U Americans know: What's built on false:Will always be false??

Whited Sepulchers

Dr.Balsam A.K. Hani

When I read the articles of Bremer discussing their faults in Iraq and whether or not they did the right decisions there I wondered how could they discuss such a thing ignoring the lies they depended on during the invasion when they tried to convince the world with things they created and believed starting from the nuclear weapons they assured its presence here in Iraq and ending with their plan of separating Iraqis by spreading lies and revenges between them thinking that they 'll lead well if they manage to separate well forgetting that the rope of lying is always short, no matter how long it seems.

Especially during the process of getting rid of the Baath party, when they tried to hit two birds with one stone by deceiving the world with the lie of ( the formerly ruling Sunnis) as if the whole leadership was Sunnis to get rid of the Baath part of the Iraqis together with the Sunnis part of them.

Sure we don't need to discuss how wrong they were in considering all the Baath party as Sunnis for we know that they knew it for sure and what they're saying is no more than a big lie they created to give themselves an excuse to get rid of more than one part of the Iraqis who are all refusing the American presence on their land.

But the Iranian was there watching and waiting for an opportunity and after noticing the occupation forces accusing Sunnis and linking them to the Baath party which they announced as outlawed. i.e. trying to keep them away from life, Iran grabbed the chance to finish the play she planned for Iraq, the play of (mistreatment of Shiaa over history) and started announcing and discussing it in public to convince all the Shiaa with its presence and fold them under her wings, to be able to move them like Muppets.

And as U Americans believed that story and gave your ears to its thoughts and decisions U took part in that play and were convinced to open the borders for the Iranians, the borders that kept locked in front of them all these years long until U opened it and welcomed them inside the land of their dreams, ignoring the fact that once Iran penetrates Iraq and starts ruling it, the way they 're doing now, then U'll be the second loser after the Iraqis whom U are offering their land to all the dirty gangs of the world to share.

Then we have to congratulate Iran for winning the game by deceiving the world and forcing U to help them getting what they want, the way they want, for with their Takkia which allows them to lie and hide the truth to avoid the harm which may accompany it, U'll never know what's lying there beneath the words they're telling and will make it impossible for U to reach the truth and act accordingly so U'll be the loserno matter how clever U think yourself is..

But why worry?? U'll consider it then as another fault from your side.. and 'll try to clear the circumstances accompanied it.. to convince the world with being absolutely right in doing it..

So better prepare yourself for that as from what's happening now it seems that this scene will soon take its place on the ground but please Sir wrong acting man.

Try not to forget that U gave Iran the chance of her life, the chance she couldn't achieve in her 8 years war against Iraq and before trying to clear your deeds this time or participate in taking any further decisions, You have to admit first all the falseness and lies U tried to deceive the world with for the simple reason of: what's built on false will always be false.

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