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Tuesday, April 23 2024 @ 03:14 AM CDT

Republican Bible Thumpin Legislator Who Sought Illegal Blow Job Blames Intimidating Black Men for His Crime

Whited Sepulchers

Pam Spaulding: Florida State Representative Bob Allen (R-of course) is clearly shooting for worst defense of the year after being caught trolling for a same sex encounter.
Another Republican sexual hypocrite out of control. Florida State Representative Bob Allen (R-of course) is clearly shooting for worst defense of the year after being caught trolling for a same sex encounter. Earlier this month he was arrested at Veteran's Memorial Park in Titusville for soliciting an undercover male officer inside the restroom after offering to perform oral sex for $20.

Allen, who also served as the McCain campaign's co-chairman in Florida, has decided that he would come out of this scandal looking better if he is perceived as a racist rather than a homo. Sweet!

State Rep. Bob Allen told police he was just playing along when a undercover officer suggested in a public restroom that the legislator give him oral sex and $20 because he was intimidated, according to a taped statement and other documents released Thursday.

..."This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park," Allen, who is white, told police in a taped statement after his arrest. Allen said he feared he "was about to be a statistic" and would have said anything just to get away. Allen, who couldn't be reached for comment Thursday, has repeatedly declared his innocence, his intention to fight the charges and his desire to stay in office.

OK. Let's look at what the police report says about the encounter and you decide whether Allen was acting like a man desperate to escape the terrifying big black buck by saying (or in this case, doing) anything.

The officer: "I was standing against the far wall of the stall. Allen closed the door behind him and stood against it. I said "what's up" and Allen said "Hi." Allen then said "this is kind of a public place isn't it." I said "do you have somewhere else where we can go?" Allen said "How about across the bridge it's quite [sic] over there." Allen engaged me in a conversation in which he agreed to pay me $20.00 in order to perform a "blow job" on me."

The above exchange took place after Allen entered the restroom twice cruising, peeped over the stall wall at the officer and then pushed open the door to join the officer to proposition him. That's some incredible acting on Allen's part.

By the way, when Allen was being put in the paddy wagon, the officer said Allen asked whether "it would help" matters if he was a state legislator. The officer said, "No." I'm sure that it wouldn't surprise you to learn that Allen voted with the Christian Coalition over 90% of the time between 2003 and 2006.

More entertainment on Allen's record can be found at Joe.My.God, including the fact that he is the author of Florida House Bill #1475, the "Lewd Or Lascivious Exhibition Act."

Allen may seem insane for coming up with something this ridiculous to avoid being labeled as gay, but he wouldn't be alone.

American University anthropology Professor William Leap has spent more than a decade researching male sex in public places. In 1999, he edited an academic compilation called Public Sex/Gay Space. His conclusion is that up to half of the men who seek this kind of sex are not gay.

Another lawyer interviewed for the piece said that most of the men he represents on public restroom sex charges aren't gay. ''The percentage of people I represent on the charges, the vast number of them turn out to be very straight and very married. They're looking for moments of instant gratification.''

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