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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 05:56 PM CDT

Nature of God


Take time out from Bush and his Reptilian Souled Henchmen...

and think, meditate, ponder, and find the truth


Our last message spoke of the possibility of the entity we call God being involved in some way in the events that we are experiencing now that was highlighted by the attack on the World Trade Center.

If indeed God is involved , then it would seem to be in our interests to determine just what God is and how one may be flowing with the energy of change that may very well have the stamp of God upon it.

The Bible shows us a very serious error provided to us by religion in trying to teach us that God is a human being, A father type of human being.

The scripture presents God in a totally different aspect. One that we must begin to understand if we are to rise above the insanity of the earth tribes.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man
 1 John 1:5 God is light.

 Well if God is not a man, not a human being. Then what is important to that entity is totally beyond what is important to you and me in our bodily state.

God is light.

How do you pray to light?

 If God is light and you are praying, would it not be more reasonable if you approached God not from a human standpoint but from a light standpoint?

If you are trying to make contact with this entity wouldn’t you have to do it on the basis of making contact with light as opposed to making contact with a human person?


What religion has ever taught the way to make contact with light

 Some have in their instructions of meditation and the third eye.

 But those are considered by the great religions to be cults and to be avoided.

Therein lies the problem.

So then our mission, if we are to use common sense is not to approach God by singing God Bless America which made a lot of money for its composer and makes tons of money now for those who sing it.

 Let us consider approaching God, on Gods terms.

As light.

 And also let us consider getting the Bible to confirm for us that this is correct before we make any moves at all.

In other words, does the Bible agree with the approach that I am taking here that God does not answer human prayers and can only be contacted via the realm of light?


Let us consider the word spirit. Can I give a definition?

  How about, spirit is an invisible energy that exists within all living things.

 Would that be acceptable ?

 The dictionary defines spirit as follows

 spir·it (sp¹r“¹t) n. 1.a. The vital principle or animating force within living beings.b. Incorporeal consciousness.

in·cor·po·re·al (¹n”kôr-pôr“¶-…l, -p½r“-) adj. 1. Lacking material form or substance.

And so you have an invisible animating force within living beings. That is spirit.

 Now what is the proven invisible animating force within living beings? Electro magnetism or light.  So spirit is electro magnetism or light.

That would totally support the Bible that states God is light.

 And since light is the animating force within all living beings, then indeed we are made in the image and likeness of God for we are light.

 So how do we pray.

 We read words or we make up words.

 And the planes crash anyhow.

 The hijackers do not hit all of their targets as they prayed and the passengers are not saved as they prayed.

God did not answer anybody, why?

Shall we seek the words of Jesus for an answer? 

Would that be acceptable?

We have been praying with words and thoughts.

Yet there such a mess throughout the world.

John 4:23  But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.

  John4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth

Thus according to Jesus the way to communicate with what we call God,is spirit and we know that spirit is electro magnetism or light.


But you say, what about the Lords prayer, they are words.

Those words are a simple declaration of the existence of a higher form.

 Our father who art in heaven.
There is a guiding and directing energy existing in the universe.

 Hallowed be thy name:
This is an intelligence far above the earth mind.

 They kingdom come thy will be done:
There is a master universal cosmic plan for existence that has yet to be experienced upon the earth.

 On earth as it is in heaven:
The master plan is designed to eventually fulfill on this planet what is in existence in other cosmic dwelling places.

 Give us this day our daily bread:
What people upon the earth need is provided for them. Namely sustenance to nourish and maintain life.

 And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Or forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Here is the one where we fall. We burned Viet Nam down to the ground with our napalm. It was a horrible trespass. We admit no wrong and apologize for nothing.

 If we look for protection against those who will trespass against us, we must first be prepared to seek forgiveness for those whom we have trespassed against.

We have not.

 And lead us not into temptation:
The very creation of God can become a temptation to attract our body into ways that are not God. 

The very life we are given can become a catalyst for us to commit horrors against others.

Only if we flow in the light or that spirit can we rise above that temptation.

 But deliver us from evil:
To rise above hijackers from abroad, and the evil ones here, we must turn to that light because now we know it does not happen with words.

 But there is something else to be considered here

23.  But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for such does the Father seek to be his worshippers.

 Not only must our prayer be communion with God in light, electro magnetism, it must be in truth.

 What is truth. To the hijackers the truth is that we are evil.

To us the truth is that they are evil. 

 To religion, you pray in words and use different kinds of things in your prayer.

 But here it says only if you pray in spirit, light electromagnetism can you communicate with God.

 How can I know truth. ?

 Well here is your direction, and it is amazingly simple and I for one totally believe it because it can be proved.

John 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed;

John 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you Free

 This then should not be difficult.

 We want prayer answered.

We understand we have to pray in the power of the light, the electro magnetic power. We understand that we will have to learn truth and Jesus states that if we follow his word we will know truth.

 Now let me show you more scripture about truth.

Remember we learned that we have to communicate with God in spirit and truth.

The truth from Jesus ,and working in the realm of electro magnetism or light which is within us.

 Now let us see more about truth that supports this.

John14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you
So communicating with God in spirit and truth is communing in the realm of light, electro magnetism where the truth dwells inside of you.

 Now do you see the difference in understanding prayer as we have been taught and prayer as Jesus taught?

The two have nothing in common and no matter what people may try to prove by coincidence or based on what they want to see happen, prayer is not answered.

We proved that with the 9/11 attack on the world trade center.

The hijackers did not have their prayers answered and the passengers did not have their prayer answered.

Nobody had their prayer answered.

Yet we continue praying.

If the person lives we say God answered our prayer.

If the person dies we do not question that the prayer was not answered, we simply pray again for God to be with the departed.


We simply cannot come to grips with the fact that prayer as we have been taught does not work.

 There is no one listening with ears because prayer is an electronic form of communication.

So Jesus says, if we follow his word, we will understand truth and we will be able to communicate or pray properly to God.

 Let us see.

 Let us try to use Jesus words and find an association with prayer in a way that makes results.

 Prayer in light, electro magnetism centered within our bodies and minds. Without words.


Luke 17:21 The Kingdom of God is within you

Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Kingdom of God.

The activating energy called spirit is inside of all living beings.

 That means that the light that we call God and spirit is inside of all living beings.

 Now Jesus tells us that the first thing we must do before saying or doing anything is what, seeking inside of ourselves.


How do you seek, you watch.

You look.

You are deep in inner meditation and Jesus says that comes first.


Luke 11:52
Woe unto your lawyers

Lawyers are people who interpret the Bible. They are Bible teachers and they are plentiful in our traditional religions.

You have taken away the key of knowledge. You entered not in yourselves and them that were entering in you hindered.

They teach you that going into yourself in meditation will open your mind to the devil.

They teach you that it is New Age and Eastern and you shouldn’t do this.

And so they do not do it and they hinder you from doing it and Jesus says they take away the key of knowledge and so people do not know how to pray. They recite endless words and as we can see from the recent disaster no one gets their prayers answered at all.

Now we are talking about communing inside of ourselves with the light which is God.


Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye be single your whole body shall be full of light.

 The light receptor of the body is the single eye, it is the third eye , The Pineal Gland of the brain. It is the bodies clock. It closes in light and it opens in darkness.

 As the Bible said of those who meditate and sit in darkness.

 Matthew4:16  The people which sat in darkness saw great light

 And so Jesus refers to the single eye so as to find light within yourself. And we know that the single eye is the Pineal Gland of the brain, the light receptor.

And we see the statement of Jacob in the old testament.


Genesis 12:30 And Jacob called the place Peniel for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.

Prayer can only get through on Gods terms. In spirit and truth. Not in words.

Not in English or Hebrew or Egyptian.

Only in light.

Via the single eye or Pineal Gland of the brain.

 If you will sit in darkness and allow the single eye to open as Jesus instructed, you will have prayed for the first time in your life.

 If you will seek within yourself for God and the Kingdom of God as Jesus instructed you will touch God for the first time in  your life.

 But you have to be willing. You have to be obedient to the teachings of Jesus Christ even if you have to abandon your religion.

 That is what I had to do.

You will have to abandon Christianity to find Christ.

 Then you will come into the darkness and then you will activate the single eye. Just as the scripture says in
Psalm 18:11 He made darkness his secret place.


We see that prayer as Jesus instructed is to be conducted secretly within you. Within your consciousness deep within the darkness of your inner being.

 Matthew 6:6 When you pray enter your closet. (Its dark in a closet). And when you shut the door, pray to your father which is in secret and your father which sees in secret shall reward you openly.

 And we see all of those who profess to be Christians screaming for prayer to return to schools and totally contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  Amos 5:18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord. To what end is it for you.

In other words, you have no idea what the day of the Lord is. You have no idea where to find the great day of the lord.

The day of the Lord is darkness and not light.

 Amos 5:20 Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light. Even very dark and no brightness in it.

That is prayer.

That is the only prayer according to Jesus, that will ever get through.

 There are two more instructions of Jesus concerning prayer and communion with God.

 Matthew 6:25 Take no thought for your life.

This is so consistent with finding the light inside and activating the Pineal Gland.

Take no thought means to separate from the thoughts of the mind. Shut the mind down.

 That is why I instruct you to hold your breath for a few seconds during periods of meditation because when you hold your breath you shut down the mind and you take no thought.


And most importantly the watching meditation.

 By watching  you cause the electro magnetic light wave to collapse to a particle and attract the photon or descending angle of light or angel of light.

The watching meditation that we do here constantly.


 Because Jesus said to do it.

 Mark 13:37What I say to you I say to all Watch.

Why do you think he said that?  Why do you think I said that? 

Because it is the truth that will set you free.

It is prayer that will resonate into the mind of God and your mind and Gods mind will become one . That is the reality of prayer and the only way that prayer will ever be answered.

Traditional prayer will continue because emotions which drive so much of our activity depends on words and desires.

For us to simply melt into an invisible realm of nothingness and consider that we have prayed is difficult to accept.

Yet as we have seen that is the way that has been given to us by God and Jesus Christ.

 Now we may consider why we have deluded ourselves into thinking that prayer has been answered .

People pray and sometimes they get what they desire and attribute that to God.

They praise God for hearing their prayer.

When they do not get what they desire they never blame God for not answering their prayer.


We credit God for being there when things go good but we never blame God for not being there when things go bad.

We simply say the Lords ways are strange and thought we may not understand nonetheless we trust God and know that God will is at work in all things, even when we don’t understand.

 It is delusion that has come from religion. We are told to thank God but never to blame God.

 Our religions have created fairy tales built around God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Buddha whomever.

Tales of angels, demons , saviors and of course the main players at least in this part of the world. God, and Jesus Christ ,and of course Satan.

The other statement attributed to Jesus is, if you practice the single eye, your body will fill with light, or now we could say, your body will fill with God.

This is significant because the Pineal Gland is the light receptor of the body or if we assume God to be light then it is the God receptor of the body.

Rene Descartes who was the famous French philosopher reached a conclusion that the Pineal Gland was the place where God and man met.

He considered the Pineal Gland to be the seat of the soul.

In all ancient cultures the single eye carries the mystical power of the universe. If you look on the back of a one dollar bill, you will find it there as the separated capstone of the pyramid.

 That word pyramid means fire in the center which is the energy flowing upward through the spine to the Pineal.

But the all seeing single eye is not limited to the Pyramid or the words of Jesus.

The all seeing eye of Horus is an important part of the mythology surrounding the power of the single eye.

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