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Monday, May 13 2024 @ 02:35 PM CDT

All in a flush over Chilean toilets --- nuclear weapons!

Age of Reason

Oscar Heck writes: There is something I don't understand... yet. Why is it that the USA and other co-conspiring nations are so gung-ho on using the excuse of "nuclear proliferation" against Iran (or other states)?
Why do they invent stories about states such as Iran acquiring nuclear weapons?

What is the point? And what do they have to gain?

There are many ramifications which I have been researching for some time now regarding this issue ... however, my research in not yet complete. It appears, so far, that the United Nations (UN) is deeply involved in this entire scheme as in intermediary ... that is, the United Nations Security Council, specifically, is complicit in providing profitable avenues for "western" nuclear and conventional weapons manufacturers and intellectual property rights holders. In other words, the United Nations is an intermediary mechanism for the elite and overtly aids in promoting the weapons manufacturing industry, specifically those in the "west."

Something similar can be said for the World Trade Organization (WTO), which promotes "free trade." Who do you think profits the most from "free trade?"

The cheap laborers in China, Central America or India? The end users, that is, mostly the consumers in the "west?"
If one thinks about it carefully and logically, the ones who profit the most from easily accessible worldwide trade are the owners and operators of the shipping lines and the related services attached to these (the oil industry, banking and insurance, for example).

Who owns the world's largest shipping empires? The exploited cheap laborers? The "western" "middle class? The consumers?

How about medication? Why does the World Health Organization exist? Who benefits from its existence (coupled with "free trade")? The poor people who are dying of aids throughout the world ... or the "western" pharmaceuticals which hold the intellectual property rights?

The owner of the building where I live (in Canada) bought a toilet to replace our old one. Guess where it was manufactured? Chile, of all places ... a country so far away that it costs an arm and a leg to travel to. What is this? Aren't Canadians able to manufacture toilets?

I recently inquired as to the cost of a shipping container from Montreal to Caracas. It ran for about $6,000 (all included, taxes, insurance, etc.). How many toilets can one fit in such a container? I don't know, but I would estimate somewhere between 450 and 600. If 600 toilets fit into such a container, this would add about $10 to the price of each toilet, perhaps excluding local distribution and forwarding costs. Knowing my landlords, they probably bought the cheapest toilet available. I am only asking questions here. I cannot imagine for the life of me why Canada would import toilets from Chile ... and the thing doesn't even work properly ... it leaks water continuously!

Anyway, back to the point of nuclear weapons ... if the United Nations and other nuclear-weapons-proliferation-control organizations took the logical approach of assuring the complete elimination of all nuclear weapons from the face of the earth, then perhaps I would say that they are being honest and that they hold the welfare and dignity of humanity in esteem.

They are, however, not doing so ... they are trying to impede only certain nations from developing nuclear technology based on baseless accusations that these countries are subversively developing nuclear technology for the purposed of warfare. But that doesn't make sense.

Why should only certain countries be allowed to develop and manufacture nuclear weapons whilst others not? Furthermore (and I will write more about this later), why should the United Nations intervene against countries that are developing nuclear technology for energy purposes by forcing such countries (Iran is one example), through sanctions and intimidation, to acquire such technology from specific countries such as the USA, Russia, etc.

This is a fact, and I will present information about this when I have finished my preliminary research on the subject. In the meanwhile, if someone is interested in doing research on this matter, type in "united nations sanctions iran resolution" into Google and follow the links, especially the United Nations resolutions against Iran ... which basically states that if Iran wants to develop nuclear technology, Iran must use existing technology and intellectual property which is mostly in the hands of the same nations which want the sanctions enforced!

The following is a Wikipedia list of the countries which have nuclear weapons.

*All numbers are estimates from the Natural Resources Defense Council, published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, unless other references are given.

It seems that we are all being conned by the United Nations (and by the elite-owned mass media, which doesn't tell us the truth). As far as I can see, the United Nations is only an instrument for the elite who run the gigantic world military complex, who run world trade and who run pharmaceuticals (educational and religious institutions are, as far as I can see, also at the service of the elite ... I will provide proof of this as well) . There is much research to do on this ... and it will take a lot of time.

Again, why is it that the United Nations has not made a resolution to outright ban all nuclear weapons?

Is the United Nations really looking out for the welfare of the humanity and the world?

No. Absolutely not!

Hey, think about it, if the USA, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel are allowed to stockpile nuclear weapons, then why not Canada, Chile, Iran or any other country? It is only logical to assume this, no? What makes them better than us?

What gives them the right to have nuclear weapons, and us, no?

Are these countries deemed to be more humanistic or more responsible toward the world than other nations? The answer is, obviously, no. So what gives?

This is the question I want to be able to answer at some point in time. Why?

The USA initiated sanctions against Venezuela not too long ago by which Venezuela is not allowed to buy military equipment from the USA. But ... this has simple explanation. Most, if not all Venezuelan military equipment had been bought from the USA by former "US-friendly" Venezuelan governments.

Now that Chavez is in power, and because the US government hates Chavez, they want to curb Venezuela's ability to protect itself from the likes of the USA (as far as I can see, there is no other country in the world that would even think of invading Venezuela). But that hasn't deterred Venezuela.

Who says that in order to build guns, for example, one has to do so based on existing intellectual property? That is a bunch on baloney!

Hey, I know how to build a gun and I don't need to pay royalties to anyone. Guns are very basic and easy to build ... anyone can make one. You don't need to be a genius to make one ... even though the weapons industry might want to convince us otherwise.

What if Venezuela suddenly begins a nuclear energy program?

What would happen then? Would the sold-out United Nations embark on another pro-elite sabotage of Venezuela's technology industry by putting out resolutions which would attempt to force Venezuela to use only technology whose intellectual property rights are held within specific countries such as the USA?

What will happen when Venezuela begins to develop 'The New Technology,' technology which has been intentionally hidden from us for generations? Will the United Nations intervene as well, attempting to stop Venezuela?

Most people have no idea that almost all technology today is based on, held and controlled by the economy of oil. If this 'New Technology' were allowed to be developed, produced and proliferated, the oil industry would crash ... and so would many other related industries ... and so would the control exercised by the world elite over the rest.

It is all about money ... and even the "save the world" organizations know this. They cannot step over the line ... for fear of losing their cushy, university-educated jobs ... or their lives. Furthermore, few enterprises would ever invest a dime in 'New Technology' since they make their fortunes in the old existing technology which we use today. I cannot speak about this 'New Technology' at the present time ... but the time will come when Venezuela may become the first nation in the world to develop it. This technology is cheaper and highly efficient. It exists, but it is not allowed to exist.

Finally, after having read lots of stuff put out by the United Nations, I have lost all trust and respect for the organization, and I am more and more convinced that the United Nations, The World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization are all operated, albeit subversively, by the ruling elite who want to continue to exploit the masses while assuring themselves the luxury of ownership and control over all resources and lands and peoples.

I also believe that the large "save the whales," "save the poor," "save the environment," and "save the children" organizations are also controlled by the elite.
If these organizations acted on the truth, they would be attacking the source of these miseries: the elite, the World Health Organization, The World Trade Organization, the United Nations, the US government and a whole panoply of other for-profit, heartless and conscienceless mafias which increasingly plague our world. They do not speak up against these organizations, the root of the problem!

Venezuela, however, through the leadership of Chavez, is now an obstacle to this gang of thieves and exploiters.

Time will tell ... but I doubt they will be able to stop him or the Venezuelan people ... especially now that the education system is being completely overhauled to teach children the truth versus teaching them lies such as "Christopher Columbus was a hero."

Christopher Columbus, like today's elite, was a rapist, and exploiter, a plunderer, a murderer and a thief ... that is the truth.

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