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Friday, April 19 2024 @ 11:44 AM CDT

Huckabilly's Christianization of the Constitution!

Whited Sepulchers

By Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo

My Hurray for Huckabee's Christianization of the Constitution!

Does Huckabee have a good idea? Can, will, he Christianize the Constitution and is that a good thing? Some people think so, some think not. What do I think? Read and weep for what I think!

Are You Kidding Pete?

I am and I am not. If Huckabee uses the misinterpretation's of the message of Jesus, confusing and interweaving it with (A)- the Old Testament, (B) with the Warrior, bigoted, hate-mongering, Oil stealing, Black hating, women disparaging, avaristic, selfish, angry/hostile, hateful, Neo-con Jesus of the Christian Right, he will end up in Hell and we will see it on earth as well.

However, if he means by Christianization of the already Bushite decimated, once greatest, God inspired documents, once lovingly called, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, I say let's indeed Christianize the Bushites first.

You know, we once had a great nation before the Fascists took over by coup in 2000, but that was before the Patriot Act (PA) and The Military Commission's Act of 2006 (MCA06) and Jane Harman put the finishing touches on demolishing the Constitution, Bill of Rights and everything for which our ancestors fought and died.

However, we can have that great nation once again and we can do that by throwing out the bogus elitism, corporate, anti-God, bastardization of both our now twisted, crushed and already nearly disposed of Bill of Rights and Constitution- the very document about which GW Bush exclaimed, "... The Constitution? Why that is just a *&%$#8~*ing, scrap of paper..."

How can we do that? It is very simple, by impeaching or otherwise legally disposing of the War Criminal Bastards in Washington and in the headquarters of most corporations. The corporations behind this coup are a new sort of War Criminal group. They are heaping spoons full of Fascism and Communism, with a dash of depopulationist, with an unhealthy dose of New World Order Nazism thrown in, to boot and boot is exactly what we need to apply to their derrieres.

The Katrina aftermath and fiendish lack of governmental responce for the displaced, and the equally fiendish minds that planned 9/11/01 were merely a sample of their plans to depopulate America, State by State, Town by town, building by building.

The goal? To kill every single True Lover of Freedom. It is Hitler's old plan of genocide of the Jews, but expanded to cover and destroy the health and welfare of everyone in America by poisoning the food and water supplies and through legally prescribed drug addiction and/or those drugs wholly owned by the Bushites and grown under their supervision and care, in Afghanistan, by their peers, the taliban as they struck their poppy seed drug sharing profits, who were frequent visitors to Crawford Texas, along with Osama Bin Ladin, prior to 2000. However, that is not the entirety of their morbid plan, despite the reality that Afghanistan went from owning 38% of the Poppy-drug trdae to 90%+ since the Buishite invasion. That is their reward for allowing the oil pipeline which Clinton rejected-which was the real reason he was impeached.

The private and/or corporately traded prison management and staffing companies, who profit mightily by carefully created bills which increase prison sentences for every minor crime on the books, are among the Bushites greatest supporters. Now even a Democrat, Representative Jane Harman, is aiding the cause of entrapping and framing Americans who object to full blown Nazi-New World Orderism, entangled with Fascism and Communism, called, for Brevity, the Bushites.

Ms. Harman has sponsored a Bill (HR 1955 S 1959) written for her by Satan (I am certain), to vaguely make almost any sort of objection a terrorist crime. It perfects the destruction of the Bill of Rights, by erasing the last tiny remaining vestige of our freedom. She thus joins Nancy Pelosi, Katherine Harris in the Female Political Hall of Shame-chilling.

What is The Ultimate Plan of The Bushites?
It occurred in meticulous, and well organized, chess moves of a master organizer. The main weapon was a "terrorist" attack to panic the most timid and weak-minded citizens were than panicked and manipulated into supporting destruction of the underpinnings of our nation's delicate freedom protections. Preceding that, the privatization of American prisons, which lobbied for and won, ridiculous and irrationally high penalties for trivial crimes and the downgrading of what were barely misdemeanors into felonies.

Emphasizing intolerance and hatred of and toward human sexuality, minor drug abuses, minorities, homosexuals, academia, the entertainment industry and sports heroes, especially minority sports heroes, and increasingly prompting Capital Punishment.

The Private and Corporate Prison Construction, management and staffing organizations could only profit by increasing their percentage of filled cells for longer terms of imprisonment and so they lobbied for longer sentences through strong Public Relations programs irrationally tying major, despicable crimes as the inevitable pathways, resulting from minor, trivial behavioral mistakes.

9/11/01 made it easier to panic congress into passing insane laws, which did the vicious, the cowardly and those who would most profit by destruction of freedom support? The next move was to take Private Security Companies, some of which barely made under $100,000 Gross prior to 9/11/01, into billion dollar corporations on Criminal No-Bid contracts, as "Uniquely Qualified Contractors."

With tens of thousands of Restaurateurs, food Service Contractors and catering services, in America, like those who fed 10,000 piping-hot, seven course, fillet mignon and lobster dinners for JFK at McCormack Place, what makes Halliburton which offers a broad array of oilfield technologies and services to upstream oil and gas customers worldwide, a "Uniquely Qualified Contractor" to feed 135,000 GI's plus other contractors in Iraq, is beyond most intelligent humans abilities to comprehend.

Now there will be coming to your neighborhood with full endorsement of your local police department, bought-off, bribed with the price of their loyalty-a chance to play with the newest and toxic weapons-laden with DU-238 a "Private Security firm" such as Blackwater. Between them and the ties to local police when/if the Neo-cons create a coup between now and the November 2008, nearly every possible Blue State will be covered/invaded not only by the Private Security firms but they will most likely be supported by local police as well.

The result of all of this is a purge of any Jesus-like citizens-Liberals to be killed or dungeonized. That would include all citizens who Christian or otherwise possess empathy for the less fortunate and display any semblance of Charity, Tolerance, and forbearance.

Therefore, I suggest that if Huckabee wishes to "Christianize" the Constitution, I suggest he begin in the following set of moves:
Tax companies which outsource jobs outside of the USA, use the taxes to create a Free Health Care Plan for every living American citizen, cap complete executive compensation at $2.5 Million dollars per year or 25 time the pay of ALL employees including outsourced and private contractor and sub contractor pay; cap complete executive compensation of outsourcing Company executives at $5 Hundred Thousand dollars per year.

That he also seek from all contractors, the FDR Treatment of retrieval of excess profits from contractors and 95% retrieval from "No-Bid" contractors; the use of Eminent Domain to seize the land, buildings and other holdings from Private/Corporate Prisons and the Clinton/Reno/Waco move upon all Private security firms, there is no room in a Democracy/America for Hit Squads of drugged, insane, murdering gunslingers, let them all migrate to countries where mass murder and genocide are smiled upon.

He should also Break-up all corporations with over $1 Billion in revenue, reconstruct the corporate franchising to catch up with Republican President/General/WW II Hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower's comments upon JFK's election, "Beware the Military Industrial Complex..." open the medical industry which is in control, of the practicing Chemical, Toxic quackery of the Big Pharmaceutical corporations, to the use of the natural elements for healing and throw out the constant use of Petroleum Waste Products in Medicines and limit drugs to use of field grown drugs; refuse the import or manufacture of Toxic-Death Plastic made in several countries and contaminates all products including computer products and DVD cases, toys and more.

I can think of at least a jillion things more to add, but please feel free to add your own.

PS: One more thing-that is my name on my writing, not a cowardly pseudonym, no more pseudonyms for cowardly hit-and-run bastards hiding behind mommies skirts and pseudonyms, any more here or anywhere else. Let a man's and woman's name be their beacon of integrity, courage and morality. Paul Krugman does not hide behind a counterfeit name, nor do those running for office, or athletes, only cowards and criminals hide their identities. I say either have the courage to use your REAL name or consider another field of enterprise, like hiding under your bed for the duration. That is, of course just my opinion.

Authors Website:

Authors Bio: Professor Bagnolo is a Renaissance man: Cultural Anthropologist, Architectural designer, painter, writer, novelist, theologian. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, with an off the charts IQ, reading at the graduate level by 5th grade, offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8. Later He was a recipient of an Art Institute scholarship at age 11, a Ford Foundation Fellowship in Anthropology and in Painting and a merit scholarship in art, and was appointed a Graduate Research Assistant position in college. He holds a triple bachelor's degree in Painting and Drawing, Anthropology, Architectural Design Advertising. MA's in Cultural Anthro, Painting and more.After being tenured he taught; architecture, anthropology, Theology, advertising, painting and drawing, entrepreneuring and Creative Profit Making. He produced a star-studded Music festival, had a radio talk show in Chicago, and cable TV show. Now, retired from Teaching, he paints, writes, and pursues other ventures.

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