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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 07:27 AM CDT

At least Joe Biden calls for a middle-class bailout

Age of Reason

By Mary MacElveen

At least Joe Biden was breath taking in his honesty to help protect and support the middle-class, while Sarah Palin continues to lie directly to your face. The only bridge worth supporting is one that she will have to take back to Alaska come Election Day. Let’s build it for her.

Patriotism should mean more than just putting out an American flag (check the label to see if it is indeed made in America) and purchasing magnetized bumper stickers stating, “Support our troops”, it should mean actually taking part in the future of this country. Patriotism means more than being told to go shopping.

It was refreshing to say the least to hear the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Joe Biden say that “paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans.” When Sarah Palin chimed in that it would be “painful”, exactly who is she kidding? This Bush era has seen socialism where the wealthiest of Americans are prospering and those who cannot afford it are seeing their purchasing power decline. To Governor Palin, not everyone can afford a tanning bed in their home. Some stay close to their ovens to keep warm during the winter.

Those at the bottom have seen their food prices, gas prices increase and quite frankly, we do need an advocate for our cause.

When Biden stated of wealthier Americans, "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut." During World War Two, self-sacrifice was the name of the game and where rationing took place. People back then believed in order to support a war effort, you had to be in that game. Yes, it was tough for those who lived through it, but ask anyone who is part of America’s Greatest Generation, they will tell you they had pride in supporting their country through this self-sacrifice. Being part of a war effort does not mean to go shopping. The only ones who are supported are the executives of those companies.

I felt as if someone was at least hearing the cries coming from the middle-class when Biden said, "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," All the middle-class wants is some dignity and there is little dignity in cutting back on the basic necessities of life.

In these desperate times when folks cannot fill up their oil tanks to heat their homes, rationing what they buy at the supermarket, scared stiff when they need a prescription refill and cannot afford other basic necessities; we want someone who can say to those who are better off now is your time to pony up.

As a non-paid journalist, I have faced all of this and will be facing it this weekend. While I do not delve into my personal life in my columns, I do not know how I will afford paying for three medications even though I do have health insurance, but there are still the co-payments plus I must pay the food bill for me and my two children. Do you still want to call me an elitist writer?

Getting back to where Biden stated to help get America out a “rut”, I had another take on this opinion expressed by him. For those who have continually voted Republican; by voting Republican, you helped get us into this rut. This Republican administration exploded the national debt. It is time that you helped get us out of this rut. I know that is hard to hear much less stomach, but the poor and middle-class are sick and tired of supporting the wealthy in this country as evident with the recent bailouts on Wall Street. What about a bailout for the middle-class?

For those of you living in the ‘red states’ who would not normally vote Democrat and became excited at the chanting of “USA, USA, USA” which happened during the Republican National convention, the USA is broke. The Iraq War sanctioned by President Bush is costing all of us roughly $10 billion a month, coupled with the tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, we as a country will cease to exist unless we have some real fiscal conservatism being implemented. Right now, we are borrowing billions from China and China owns us. That is both demoralizing and humiliating. I want our country’s dignity back!

To counter Biden this is what the opposition said in a commercial, "Obama and his liberal congressional allies want a massive government, billions in spending increases, wasteful pork," the ad says. "And we would pay — painful income taxes, skyrocketing taxes on life savings, electricity and home heating oil. Can your family afford that?" What a laugh riot if you ask me. The thing is that most Americans are not laughing, but trembling in fear of how they will pay their bills.

Massive government? If anything it was the Bush administration that grew this government. They even created the Department of Homeland Security. I am not sure what they do, but they did tell us to go purchase duct tape and plastic and oh yes, they change the colors on a daily basis telling Americans the threat level of the day.

Billions in spending increases? Oh what a joke that is. Just look at the budget deficit. It has exploded exponentially under the Bush administration. Both McCain and Palin are not opposed to fighting Iran and Russia. With what money will they fight those additional wars?

Wasteful pork? Not all spending is wasteful and not pork as evident with that Minnesota bridge that collapsed last year. It was finally rebuilt and it is actually a bridge to somewhere. You want your infrastructure rebuilt? Some bills contain moneys that go back to your local communities to fund such projects. Where I live which is Suffolk County, NY, I would be appreciative if some moneys would come our way to implement a better bus system since we are all concerned with how much oil America uses.

As far as sky rocketing electricity and home heating oil that too has gone up during a Republican administration. Speaking of electricity; do you remember that black out back in 2003? The electrical grid here in the USA is in need of repair. At this point we are rebuilding Iraq since we bombed most of their cities. To those living in Texas, your fellow citizens of Galveston are needing a bailout coming from Washington. Where is their bailout?

According to the "independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals." I do not call that 'painful' but a relief. To those living in ‘red states’; don’t you want that too?

Lastly, these bailouts on Wall Street were directly caused by deregulation. Something that John McCain has been a proponent of and his record shows it. Now he says he is for regulation? Which is it? Now all of us will be made to pay for these bailouts and I wonder who will bailout the middle-class. As part of the middle-class, I want an advocate for me. To those in the ‘red states’ billions upon billions of dollars of your tax money is going towards the wealthy on Wall Street: How much is actually being spent on you? Just look at your wallet and your bills. Isn’t it about time the wealthiest amongst us pay their fair share?

At least Joe Biden was breath taking in his honesty to help protect and support the middle-class, while Sarah Palin continues to lie directly to your face. The only bridge worth supporting is one that she will have to take back to Alaska come Election Day. Let’s build it for her.

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