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Saturday, April 20 2024 @ 01:44 AM CDT

Legendary Bulgarian Prophetess Issues Grave New Warning To World

General News

By: Sorcha Faal

As our World continues its headlong plunge towards the cataclysm of Total Global War, with the latest Israeli assault upon the Palestinian peoples of the Gaza Strip possibly being the ‘spark’ that lights the final fire to consume us all, Sister Nadejda writes that the legendary Bulgarian Prophetess Vanga Pandeva [pictured top left] has left to us yet another warning, and as we can read:
“Beware! Beware! When those from the other side who now call themselves Sabra throw their heaviest metal into the silk net of the defenseless, know that the twisted rope is about to close upon all the earth to leave only those most sturdy in mind able to withstand the horrors about to come.”, the Blind Prophetess Vanga wrote in 1952 and which I have interpreted as follows:

Vanga’s use of the words “those from the other side” corresponds with the Aramaic word ‘ebhrai’, and the Hebrew word ‘ibhri’, meaning Israelite and both meaning “one from the other side” of the Euphrates River, which these peoples trace their ancient historical roots to. Her use of the word ‘Sabra’ is used to establish the timeline of this prophecy as its most common meaning is of Jewish person born in Palestine after the establishment in 1948 of the Hebrew state of Israel.

After Vanga’s establishment of whom she is prophesizing about, the Israelis, and having established her timeline as after 1948, she then uses the words “throw their heaviest metal” which corresponds exactly with the present military operation by Israel against the Palestinians they are calling “Operation Cast Lead” as the word ‘cast’ comes from the Old Norse word ‘kasta’ meaning ‘to throw’ and the word ‘lead’ deriving from its Old English and Germanic origins describes exactly the ‘heaviest metal’.

Vanga’s next words say this ‘heaviest metal’ of the Israelis is being thrown into “the silk net of the defenseless” which corresponds with comes from the French word ‘gaze’ which was derived from the Arabic word ‘gazz’ meaning ‘raw silk’ and is the derivation of the name given to the Palestinian area being attacked by Israel, Gaza. This is further reinforced by her using the word ‘defenseless’ as this word accurately describes the Palestinian peoples in Gaza who have virtually no defenses against the Israelis.

Vanga then uses the words “the twisted rope is about to close upon all the earth” which appears to be based upon the Old Norse word ‘snara’ meaning ‘noose, snare’ and related to the word ‘soenri’ meaning ‘twisted rope’.

By these definitions of the exact words used by Vanga this prophecy can be thusly interpreted to mean, “When the Israelis begin their Operation Cast Lead against the defenseless peoples of Gaza, be warned that they are falling into a snare which will soon capture the entire World and be horrible in its outcome.”

It is further instructive for us to know the greater ancient significance of the word ‘Lead’ the Israelis have named their attack upon Gaza for:

“Lead, in alchemical terms, definitely has an androgynous nature with qualities of cold and damp allowing it to be called an arcane substance representing the lusterless prime matter. For this reason it is similar to Adam and is said to be the counterpart of the planet Saturn. The alchemical symbol for lead is an old man with a wooden leg and a scythe.

This also is the symbol of Saturn, "'Take that white tree and build around it a round dark house covered with dew, and place in it a man of great age, a hundred years old,' etc. The old man is Saturn-lead as prima materia."

Lead being the equivalent of Saturn, having a definite androgynous nature, is both malefic, and the worst events can be expected, and a purifier. Lead represents the impurities of metals and humans. Some say these are the vexations and troubles which God puts on people to bring them back to repentance. Others say these are just the troubles of life which man has to overcome in order to perfect himself. But as lead burns it burns all of the impurities with it which is why Boethus the Arab called it the water of sulphur. The tribulations of life are metaphoric with lead as they cleanse people of the imperfections they incur.

The Babylonians knew lead as a powerful cumulative poison containing antimony. According to tradition some said transmutation was successfully achieved when bits of the Philosopher's Stone was sprinkled with lead.”

Also to be noticed in these events was that Israel started its ‘Operation Cast Lead’ on the morning of 27 December 2008 immediately prior to Saturn’s forth annual retrograde cycle beginning on 31 December 2008, and which will be intensified by Mercury’s retrograde cycle starting on 11 January 2009 which will last until 1 February 2009, and which was always viewed by the ancients as a dire warning of cataclysmic events to come.

Sister Nadejda in her report further reminds us that the Prophetess Vanga’s ‘Grand Cross Prophecy’ is continuing with the latest attacks on India which they are now calling 26/11 and which corresponds to the United States attack called 9/11, Spain’s attack called 3/11 and London’s attack called 7/7, leaving just one further ‘7’ numbered attack and ‘11’ numbered one to occur prior to the greatest destruction of all unfolding upon our World.

It remains the sad circumstance of the Western peoples that these most ancient of symbols, signs, numbers and prophecies are not only foreign to them, but also scoffed at and ridiculed as having no meaning in our World today. However, not being noticed at all by these peoples are how these symbols and signs and numbers they ridicule continue to rule the elite forces of our Planet who continually surround themselves with these things as they know their great power and greater significance.

Even with this being so, our efforts must always be towards the telling of these true things to those taught since birth not to listen with their ears, or see with their eyes what they have been kept blind, and deaf from so that they too may be saved.

© January 3, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved.

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