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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 01:39 AM CDT

Hey LOSER! That's what CNBC thinks you are!

Mind Control

CNBC and its arrogant and ignorant yellow journalists think that if you work for a living, struggle to pay your bills, get laid off, had your back to the financial wall with overpriced gasoline, financial straits from oil-caused inflation on all products by 33%, or were screwed over by an ARM mortgage, then YOU are a loser.

Main Street, real Americans are struggling to pay bills due to the mismanagement and illegal operations performed by Wall Streeters! And CNBC was there cheering them on! CNBC was NOT a journalistic firm that uncovered the impending collapse-- they were the collapsers' cheerleaders.
According to CNBC arrogant pundits - you and I - working class joes and junes, went to the banks and lied about our income to get our loans / mortgage. Therefore that is the ONLY reason they propose that we are struggling to make those payments. WE ARE LIARS and FRAUDSTERS per CNBC yellow jourmalists.

Oh if it were only that easy.. I'd get a new car every year... all I'd have to do is LIE about my income and about my job. Okay I make $900,000 a year at Duncan Donuts as the cook and bottle washer. Give me some money so I can buy a car and a house. That's all it takes to get one of these toxic loans according to Ricky Rich Sintella, Larry Krudlow, Michelle Fullofherself, Maria Foamingmouth and other wingnuts on CNBC.

What does that tell you about the quality of the Banking System and the Bankers? Are they so trusting they take my word for it? Or are the so incompetent they do not do their due diligence to make sure I can afford this loan, or are they soooo greeedy they simply make loans to anyone and everyone to get their commission bonus?

CNBC thinks that BUSH held guns to these bankers heads forcing them to make bad loans-- I don't know of even ONE banker that has been shot in such an action or even one that says this ever happened. The banksters did this to themselves.. They were NOT bad loans when they were taken out... They became bad loans due to Wall Streeters' mark to market scam, and Bankers' ARM scams. (note: these are mortgage bankers - not your local bankers-- they kept their noses pretty clean)

These are the same bankers that these CNBC yellow journalists want to FIX the economy they screwed up!

Of course you get a 3 star loser rating from these airbags if you are a welfare mom, or a black man, or a Latino (so they can blame illegal immigrants)... Its always OUR fault the financial system is screwed up, We did it... Us Losers crashed the system and put the economy in a tailspin.

No We DID NOT!!!

It was CNBC's guests and friends like Abramoff, Madoff, Stanford, GOP, Bankers, Investment bankers, Wall Street speculators and gamblers.. and the CNBC Cheerleaders that crashed the economy: but they will say it's Never their fault!

And you are a loser if you're a union member too, per CNBC, but that's another revelation for another article.

So losers, get down to your local bank and apply for a toxic loan, or any loan... Lie Lie Lie on your application... the bankers will never know! CNBC says so.

While those airbags have their heads up their ass so deep they can't smell fresh air or the sweat of a workng person... you and I are a whole lot more informed, educated, and smarter than they are... They are still cheerleading a failing free market mythology, a faliing Wall Street, a failed banking system, a failed presidency of Bush, a failed party of GOP.

Us LOSERS will continue to REFUSE to buy until these morons get out of our way! Never buy GE products.. or from CNBC advertisers.

I for one am sick and tired of arrogant asswipes parading on CNBC and FOX talking down to us losers as though we don't have a clue that they are lying and covering their own asses and lies.

We do KNOW what caused this economic world wide crisis. The world was warned by Iran, OPEC, Venezuela, and others about the price of oil in the USA skyrocketing due to the dollar collapsing at the time and Wall Street Speculators. They were RIGHT! The Bushits had flooded the international market with dollars and we saw hyperinflation on the one commodity we needed the most - OIL.

The oil exporting countries did not raise the price or value of oil... there was NO reduction in supply.. or increase in demand--- only the trillions of dollars Bush GOP WingNUTS flooded the international market with. We remember Bush's double dollars! One for domestic use, and one for international use. As the international markets started using those double dollars then it exposed the massive fraud committed in selling the mortgages to international bankers for more than the loans were worth.. (called mark to market) -- Those dollars were created out of thin air, outside the federal reserve, and outside of congress. They were created by Wall Street and the Bankers.

And all of a sudden the US had to cover those dollars, rolled over into international hands, and were labeled: toxic loans -- The bankers started raising the ARMs and forcing people out of the assets. The bankers were trying to cover up their frauds, but with so many of these sold away mortgages and so many foreclosures, the assets lost value!

But of course let's blame those Losers, says CNBC yellow airbags.

This economy would not be in dire straits if there were NO wall street and NO Bush-GOP- administration.

Wall Streeters made TONS of money on the backs of us LOSERS and now they are backing up their bankster friends to foreclose on the homes...

More power to them.. let them foreclose! They want this market to stay collapsed then we'll just help them out. You see we LOSERS have a secret.. we can survive day to day without Wall Street, without CNBC, without the megabanks.

I think Obama recognizes these real sources of the economic problems. I think Paulson was quite aware too.. but neither can explain how such IGNORANT Morons on Wall Street, and the GOP BUSHits allowed it to go this far. When Bush double dipped the dollar, it exposed how fragile the dollar was and how badly it was inflated -- when doubling it like his moron advisors did. There were a lot more international dollars floating around and the fed had to cover them the best they could.

With the government buying these loans, or bailing out the banks holding these loans or shutting them down (as in Lehman) or complete takeover.. the treasury and the fed are buying back the dollars Bush created at a big discount. They are reducing the number of dollars floating internationally that was causing the hyperflation. That's the reason it Took over AIG because it insured those toxic loans to the loan owner. Now the Government is buying back all those international dollars at around 2/3rds of their street value. The government just cancels out the inflated dollars the Banksters created.

This is also the reason for the so-called 'buy American' clause is in the new stimulus bill. Obama did not want to have Congress create more dollars that would flood the international market and undo what the Treasury and the Fed have been doing by removing international dollars to avoid a complete meltdown.

The government doesn't CARE one whit which banks make it or fail! They are the reason the government has to make these extraordinary moves in the first place! Nor is the government bailing out home-buyers, but trying to force the banks to reduce the loans to mortage based on market value and the toxic part placed into unsecured loan status, and the government or homebuyer can deal with that part at a later date!

I don't have to like how or what Paulson, Bernanke, or Geithner are doing, but I understand why and how they must do it. Bush nearly caused a total crash of all markets worldwide with his stupid fairy tale GOP exxonomic policies and creating two money systems without one iota of intelligence and realization of the damage and exposure it put the US economy in.

This economic crisis is 100% created by the Bush NeoMorons. Paulson knew it and us LOSERS know it.

Larrrry Krudlow, the impudent mouth that rudely talks over guests on the show says let the market cure the problems... So does Ricky Rich Sintella ---

Tell me NOW.... who is stopping the market from stepping up and curing the problems? The Government is not stopping the market from fixing their screwup! The Government would welcome substantial private money to take over the toxic part of all these mortgages, and buy back those international dollars that the marketers flooded the markets with.

The markets have had since September to step up to the plate and do the right thing. It has NOT! Don't blame the government for trying fix what YOU WALL STREETERS fucked up! It's your free market wall streeters driving the stock down to abysmal depths. It's NOT us LOSERS! We're the winners..

And to Lying Larry Krudlow.... Bankruptcy is NOT a constitutional right or option or repair for CORPORATIONS... that is a perk and convenience whenever Congress allows it for a corporation. And to those who might fall for your BULLSHIT, whether by bailout or bankruptcy.. the government takes over... bankruptcy IS nationalization -- bailout IS nationalization -- FDIC takeover IS nationalization -- and bankruptcy is the cowards' way if there is any other way possible!!!!

Krudlow wails, and yells and laments over the 'free market' mythologies disappearing. They are indeed disappearing - but because of the CRIMINALS and the GREEDY, that RUINED it for all of us. May they never be resurrected in the future like they have to bring on world wide despair and depression. The GOP is dead.. only the walking and talking dead remain with a party of failures and liars.

L. Savage

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