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Thursday, April 18 2024 @ 02:29 AM CDT

Dont' be swept up by AIG Bonus Mania - Don't be manipulated by the media and GOP

Mind Control

This AIG bonus flap was created to take your attention away from the more serious problems facing the nation. It was to take away your anger against FOX, GOP, CNBC, Wall Street, etc. Yes the bonuses are wrong, but they are a mere drop in the bucket against the truly giant crimes against the USA by AIG!

Even congressmen I normally admire are being swept into this bonus revenge mania. Yes, stop the bonuses, but don't let this draw attention away from the real crimes of AIG and the seriousness of this GOP Depression we are in! - These bonuses don't deserve this much attention. Don't be manipulated by the media! The economy is in DIRE CRISIS! Obama is the ONLY politician to come forward with any plan whatsoever. The GOP says cut taxes, as they have since 1980 and that is NO ANSWER to this mess, it may even be the root cause of the financial collapse.

The GOP has no plan, McCain had no plan.. President Obama has at least produced a plan in an attempt to cure the economic problems at the root source.. revitalizing the infrastructure for the the workers and Main Street. Will it work? Who knows? It may be too little, too late. But it is now the only option that the people have before them.

Don't follow the rest of the sheep to the slaughter! Pay attention - the real enemies of America are still FOX, CNBC, patriots wearing crosses, & the traitors and robber barons of the GOP.

I've admired Rangel since he nailed Bush saying that Bush sure ended the myth of white supremecy, but his reaction to the bonus thing is over reacting. When Slime Bucket Grassley starts calling for Suicides over bonuses at AIG, then that's just FUCKED UP! Grassley should take his own medicine and advice for allowing the Bushits and the GOP to destroy the financial system. He has NOT once apologized for his complicity in destroying the economy and as a member of the GOP Robber Baron Party he should commit the hari kari out of shame!, and to the relief of all of us with operating brain cells.

Do the HONORABLE thing GRASSLEY! Need to borrow a sword?


AIG Anger: House Passes Heavy Tax on Bonuses

by Steve Benen

The Republican alternative -- a non-binding measure asking the Treasury Department to think of something -- was rejected. Imagine that.

The House passed its measure today to recoup the controversial AIG bonuses. While there was some question going into the vote as to whether the two-thirds needed for passage would be there, the bill was approved rather easily.

The measure, which also applies to bonuses at other large bailed-out companies, passed 328-93. There were 85 Republicans who voted yes, and six Democrats who voted no. [...]

The bill would place a 90 percent tax on bonuses paid out by firms receiving at least $5 billion in bailout money. The tax would apply to individuals and families with overall income exceeding $250,000.

The Republican alternative -- a non-binding measure asking the Treasury Department to think of something -- was rejected. Imagine that.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who helped orchestrate this vote very quickly, exclaimed, "We want our money back and we want our money back now for the taxpayers."

Passage in the Senate appears likely.

Update: Here's the final roll. Republicans were clearly divided on the issue, with 85 voting for it and 87 voting against it. Even the minority party's leadership was split -- Boehner opposed the measure, while Cantor, have hedging earlier, supported it.

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