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The Rule of Natural Law (part 2)

Age of Reason


by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

During my most recent return flight from Europe, I employed the leisure time so afforded me, to outline a number of topics which are to be considered as more or less mandatory sequels to my Economic Science, in Short. In this way, more on the subject of the principles of the individual's human creativity came out at the top of that list of either amplified, or added topics.
Therefore, to recapitulate what I had just written as the opening of the present chapter: what saved me from the mistakes of my more important rivals among economists, has been, first of all, the influence, as I have already restated here, of Gottfried Leibniz on me, from about the age of 14-15, and, later, since my embrace of it, by January-February 1953, principally, Bernhard Riemann's work, his 1854 habilitation dissertation, most emphatically.[12] Such were the indispensable preconditions for all of my own original discoveries represented by my relevant contributions reshaping the national and world economic policies to be considered here.

There has been nothing accidental in the outcome of those differences in adopted belief respecting matters of science bearing upon the subject of a science of physical economy. This is the case, most notably, in the domain of, principally, medium to long-range economic forecasting. There has been nothing actually obscure, or accidental in my successes, nor, my putative professional rivals' failures on this account.

It is not accidental, that my accomplishments have all been situated within the framework of my studies and development within the domain of a science of physical economy. On that account, the following clarification is crucial.

Physical Economy is The Human Science
The root of the failure of the modern European economists and their American followers, as distinct from the patriotic American school of Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton, is essentially the fact, that the establishment of the imperial Anglo-Dutch supremacy of the British East India Company's Lord Shelburne, since the February 1763 Peace of Paris, put continental Europe, increasingly, under the tyranny of the economic policies associated with that "Liberal"school of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham, an Eighteenth-century school[13] which had been formed under the persisting influence of Paolo Sarpi, and of Sarpi's adoption of the methods of the medieval irrationalism of William of Ockham.

Ockham is the founder of the specific form of moral corruption and fervid irrationalism of the modern Anglo-Dutch Liberalism. The most evil man of the Twentieth Century, Sarpi follower, and anti-science fanatic, and devoted hater of mankind, Bertrand Russell, serves as an epitome, still today, of everything that is most essentially evil in the world at large.

The prevalent dogma in European culture since the rise of the Liberalism of Paolo Sarpi et al., has been the presumption, as by Adam Smith, in his 1759 Theory of Moral Sentiments, that no actual universal physical principles exist within the bounds of mankind's actual knowledge, but only rules of behavior consistent with the lack of any recognized universal principles, but only those of what is, presumably, merely custom. The moral depravity of those advocates of "Behaviorist economics" associated with the conspicuously pro-fascist, even pro-Nazi, health-care and other current economic policies of the President Obama administration's health care and social policies, are typical of the relatively worst outcome produced by driving the evil dogmas of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham to their Nazi-like extremes.

Essentially, protests against naming President Obama's economic policies as either "Hitler-like," or, simply, "Nazi," are behavior tantamount to intellectual and moral complicity in a great crime against humanity. It is the wild-eyed hoax of "cap and trade" and all, in the present Summer of American cooling, which is a new cloak for, a carbon copy of Hitler's own policies of genocide.

Hence, for today's consistent followers of the tradition of Locke, Adam Smith, and Bentham in the field of economy, a field in which I play a starring role of opposition to their legacy presently, for them, economic processes express no actual principles, but only conventions based on adopted customs of belief chosen without regard to any actually efficient universal physical principles. Hence, we have the case of the influence of widespread, intrinsically incompetent methods of so-called statistical forecasting more widely. Whereas, my own forecasts have been specifically successful, virtually all rivals, of all persuasions in the field, have been systemically failures as forecasters on this account.

Ironically, it is exactly their beliefs to this effect, which have served as the instrument of destruction of all civilization which is the oncoming menace overtaking the entire planet today. Such are those particular "behaviorist" beliefs of the Obama administration which has put the U.S. republic on the chutes to Hell right now.

For Example:
It is fairly said, that productivity increases with both the amount of the power supplied to production and integrally related activity, and also the increase of what is termed the energy-flux-density of the physical economic processes, per capita and per square kilometer. Any effort either to allow those "energy" values to decline, or even to fail to increase, per capita and per square kilometer, spells an oncoming relative, or more severe disaster, such as the world in general has been suffering, with increasing severity, since about September 2007, but, actually, since about March 1, 1968.

This present influenza pandemic is only a marker for the far more destructive conditions which will become rampant unless the present directions in, most notably, U.K. and U.S.A. economic and social policies, are sharply reversed, and, in large part, uprooted and destroyed together with all relics of monetarism as such.

Thus, in that sense of the currently plummeting world economies, there never will be a recovery from the general, physical breakdown which will continue to be spreading without interruption, as since about September 2007, spreading, and worsening at a presently accelerated rate, in each and every nation of this planet. This will continue either for as long as the presently dominant policy-shaping of the imperial United Kingdom and its present puppet President Barack Obama remain in charge, or until the system of nations of the world as a whole has simply died for failure to terminate the present trends in policy-making by the Obama Presidency, now, or during some early days ahead.

Without the very early and widespread reversal of the policies to which those failed regimes in Britain and elsewhere are most passionately devoted at this time, there never will be a recovery of the human race from an accelerating breakdown crisis presently in progress—not until after the present collapse of civilization, globally, had long since struck bottom.

Thus, with that crucially important qualification taken into account, the presently ongoing breakdown of the imperial-London-steered entirety of civilization, would lead, at the best, to an already very steep dive, still accelerating into a general, planetary new dark age for the human species as a whole. The stated intention of Britain's Prince Philip, and of his World Wildlife Fund, to employ measures intended to bring about a rapid collapse of the human living population from an earlier approach to seven billions persons soon, to less than two, is the current policy of a widely reigning, intentionally genocidal cult-doctrine called, variously, "globalization," or "cap and trade."

The cause for these man-made crises, is not "natural" in any appropriate sense of that term. They are the fruit of entirely man-made, essentially, criminally insane policies, policies which have been adopted by all-too-powerful oligarchical forces of monetarist rule predominating in the policy-shaping of the combined efforts of the most powerful nations and monetarist interests today.

As in the particular case of the present so-called "health care" policies of the Obama Administration, this onrushing general breakdown-crisis of all mankind is the fruit of psychopathological policies whose influence over the planet is centered jointly in the globally imperial British monetary authority and its most significant puppet, the "Nero-like" President Barack Obama Administration of today.

This brings us now to a most crucial, leading point.

Human Creativity: The Mind
In the recently issued Economic Science, in Short, I have featured a summary identification of those principal features of the human mental-perceptual processes, which, when taken into account as a whole process, represent the resources on which competent economic practice now urgently depends. There, I describe, in a fresh, more valid way than generally available from other professional sources today, the related, essential distinction between the human mind, on the one side, and the behavior of all lower forms of life, on the other. That is the specific topic here, on which the attention of this present element of this report as a whole is focused.

As I have written or spoken on earlier occasions: what has been presently treated, heretofore, as physical science, has been devoted, chiefly, to society's reading of the bodies of evidence specifically limited to those subjects of non-living and living processes which have been examined on the presumption, that mankind's view of these processes is, as it is said, "objective." What has been customarily presumed to have been the proper subject of the physical science of man's own part, man's actual mental behavior, has been wrongly defined as what continues to be a generally presumed notion of "physical objectivity." In that misguided, but commonplace approach, the actually crucial, subjective aspect has been essentially excluded from consideration, as if a-priori, in favor of what has been wrongly presumed to have been physical science's objective application to both non-living and living processes.

Men and women may have chosen their actions, but what higher power than mere sense-perception, shaped their decision?

The fact underlying those decisions which have misled the world into the presently onrushing, general breakdown-crisis, is, that the world in its entirety, is presently within the grip of a plausibly terminal state of a general breakdown-crisis of all existing societies. Were there no appropriately radical overthrow of the patterns of decision-making responsible for the recent habits of government, respecting economy in particular, humanity as a whole were presently self-condemned to a calamity far beyond any known in the past experience of mankind as a whole.

Vastly genocidal crises, such as those which any continuation of the present trend in policies of both the United Kingdom and the Barack Obama administration portends, had already struck limited portions of humanity as a whole, in different parts, in earlier times. However, this present crisis is the first known case in which it is the entirety of the human species which is known to be threatened so, a threat of a kind arising globally from the effects of applying bad policies globally, policies made by the most influential bodies of opinion-making, brought so savagely, upon the planet as a whole, in what is intended by today's London-centered imperialists for our planet in its entirety.

Yet, there is nothing about this onrushing threat of early doom which should be considered mysterious to sane and well informed minds. The doom now hurtling in its descent upon our entire planet, is not an inevitable consequence, but a willfully chosen result by the monetarist relative few, who are currently reigning over the prevalent political-economic systems of the planet's few most powerful nations and the intrinsically monetarist imperial cabals within which those nations are situated.

That specific, relevant moral and also practical folly in the susceptibility of the apparently prevalent human nature of every part of society throughout the planet presently, resides essentially in a practiced misconception of human nature itself. The most notable aspects of this pattern of self-destruction of the U.S.A. and virtually all other leading nations of the planet generally, have been essentially psychological in form in their causes, but no less physical in their consequences.

The most significant of those presumptions governing the psychology of evil presently permeating political-economy and related subjects, is what is known presently as the empiricist method of Anglo-Dutch Liberalism, or, what is named otherwise as a Satanic cult of "filthy lucre," otherwise known euphemistically as "monetarism," or, simply, the "philosophical Liberalism" misconceived in the Ockhamite irrationalism of the followers of the "new Venice's" Paolo Sarpi. Such is the so-called Anglo-Dutch monetarists' Liberal imperium typified by the intrinsically irrationalist dogma of such as John Locke, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham.

That doctrine and practice of "Liberalism," is to be treated as a potentially mass-murderous, pandemic mental disease of the present world monetary system, a pathogen infecting the popular human mind, a conceit through whose assistance all other sorts of diseases afflicting humanity find and take their advantage.

How the Horror Prevailed
It is the efficiently physical character of the dynamic[14] processes which regulate the relevant patterns of mass behavior of the human individual minds, which is the key to understanding the how and why of the presently onrushing general economic and demographic breakdown-crisis of the entirety of this planet as a whole at this time. To remedy this "lemming-like" behavior of the rulers of nations generally today, we must examine the relevant, potentially fatal factors of opinion which have allowed the present great folly to have been unloosed upon the entirety of mankind, as this occurred in the aftermath of the inauguration of the Winston Churchill-loving, U.S. President Harry S Truman, on April 13, 1945. We must get to the root of the matter, thus echoing a most crucial point already made in my Economic Science, in Short.

Essentially, generally speaking, mankind, through the dying out of the generations which arose to fight the Hitler regime, does not presently know, or even remember, the principles which actually misgovern and, thus, mislead, the individuals' own mind, that to such effect as the toleration of the swindle which the British empire has imposed upon the U.S.A. through a British monarchy puppet, a caricature of the narcissistic Roman Emperor Nero, a living caricature currently serving as President of the U.S.A.

In particular, we must focus attention on what are to be recognized as the actually creative, and physical processes typical of the healthy individual human mind. It is the failure to grasp the nature of that principle of human creativity associated with Classical artistic and physical-scientific achievements on which all human progress has depended, which has promoted those effectively insane monetarist and related policies which had created the present conditions for a currently accelerating general physical-economic breakdown-crisis of the entirety of our planet.

It is time that our institutions of government pay closer attention to the respective proper functions and diseases of the popular mind.

The Achievements and Follies of Science
In the first, ordinary case, the individual locates his, or her sense of personal identity more crudely, naively, within the bounds of what is presumed to be a domain of the experience of sense-certainties. In the second, which must prevail now, if civilization is to outlive the present crisis, the creative scientist, or accomplished, actually creative Classical artist, alike, locates his, or her sense of personal identity in reality, by regarding apparent sense-certainty as a mere shadow of that reality which only the actual or potential, scientific or Classical artistic genius tends to recognize as being the real universe.

The case of Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, as reported by him in his The Harmonies of the Worlds, is an example of the efficiency of what I have indicated as the second, higher choice of self-connection.[15]

For this purpose, Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation, is unique, in many respects, for competent modern science in general; but, there is one included feature of the method which he employed in the discovery of the principle of gravitation, which is of specific interest at this immediate place in my presentation. That special interest lies in the distinct concept termed "universal physical principle." This is a notion of principle which may be adumbrated by a mathematical formulation, just as Kepler defined the mathematical formulation used to describe a measurable effect of gravitation, but can only be competently derived otherwise. The universal principle of gravitation apparently bounds the physical space-time of our Solar system (and beyond) in a way, a curvature of physical space time which bounds the Solar system, and which defines our universe as finite, and as, in no sense "Euclidean," for that very reason.

However, although it might appear to some that it was by virtue of Kepler's uniquely original discovery of precisely that set of mathematical relations which the circles of silly Sir Isaac Newton claimed, with blatant fraud, as their discovery, that gravitation is the source of the relevant physical power; in fact, the mathematical expression is a shadow cast by the principle itself, not its efficient substance. Hence, we have Einstein's famous formulation of the case of what he recognized as the absolute originality of Kepler's discovery.

All competent modern physical science, since the work by Kepler, has characteristics which, as Albert Einstein emphasized, reflect the specific quality of irony expressed by Kepler's discovery of the principle of gravitation. There is no competence in modern science, except by aid of Einstein's assessment of the essential role of Nicholas of Cusa follower Kepler's discovery for all competent modern science in general. Nonetheless, although this view of Kepler is the standpoint of competent modern science in general, it is also a fact that as Carl F. Gauss showed by his discovery of the orbit of the asteroid Ceres, there are additional complexities of a related quality within physical space-time generally. These complexities began to come clearly into view with that development by Gauss, of what came to be the tool of physical mathematics which came to be known as the tensor, a tensor conceived as a physical-experimental, rather than merely mathematical tool.[16]

I explain the general principle involved in that, as follows.

Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the universal physical principle of Solar-systemic gravitation is, still today, the Classical demonstration of the proper method for defining the proven existence of a true universal physical principle. It is for this reason that Albert Einstein attributed such crucial significance of Kepler's method in any competent expression of modern physical science, still to the end of Einstein's own life. My associates and I have returned, repeatedly, to the "Kepler paradigm;" in my own case, the most frequent motive has been to emphasize the distinction between the misleading definition of a proof of principle under the British empiricist method derived from the Okhamite method of Paolo Sarpi's empiricism, and that contrary method of competent physical science which is shown most efficiently by the case of Kepler's original discovery of universal gravitation, and best illustrated today by the legacy of the Leibniz concept of the efficient character of the "infinitesimal," which is expressed best, currently, by the Riemannian heritage of Albert Einstein and Academician V.I. Vernadsky.

The corresponding question is, typically: what is the physical meaning of the Leibniz infinitesimal? Is that "infinitesimal" a phantom; or, does it represent crucial evidence of a fatal flaw in what, until now, has passed for an increasingly, generally taught, British version of scientific method of those positivists whose influence is to be traced most specifically in the train of Ernst Mach and Bertrand Russell, and the science-degenerates who have followed them, since, approximately, the closing decades of the Nineteenth Century? This question is key for understanding the actual nature of the truly sane human mind.

III. The Human Mind: Two Views
In what had been my argument in my Economic Science, in Short, I located the quality of true human individual creativity in terms of reference to two, alternate choices of the individual's sense of the "location" of his, or her personal identity. In the more common case, the customary choice was located, mistakenly, in the notion of personal identity associated with the notion of "sense-certainty." In fact, unfortunately, actual human creativity is located in the relatively rarer case, that of the actually creative individual, which is presently rare even among prominent scientists. The source of that problem is, unfortunately, a popular, wrong-headed present tradition of the recent four decades; in truth, creativity, when and where it exists, is located typically in the sense of personal identity which is located, functionally, by a sense of self as located in "a different experience": not within a domain of formal mathematics as such, but, as I have emphasized repeatedly, in earlier locations, in the domain associated with the Classical mode of the poetic imagination, as this is reflected, in Classical English expression, in Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, its closing paragraph, most emphatically.

In fact, however, even in the case of the significantly creative individual personality, the continued presence of the child in the man, is shown by shifts of the visibly expressed sense of personal identity, from the lower of these two locations to the higher, or, the reverse, as this tends to vary with the circumstances, in such cases.[17]

Most notably, scientific creativity, like that of Classical poetic and the Classical musical composition of J.S. Bach, Joseph Haydn, W.A. Mozart, and Beethoven, is excluded in a systemic way, by today's widely prevalent, even reigning, popularized trash entertainments and interpersonal social conduct. Actual expressions of creativity, are not located within the confines of mathematics, but are typified by Classical modes of creative processes specific to Classical artistic composition, Classical poetry most emphatically. The ironical fact of the matter is, that the best scientists of the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries were often also qualified, like Albert Einstein, as Classical musicians, even if as amateur performers; the decline in Classical musical participation has crucial relevance for understanding the relative collapse of scientific competence shown among generations born post-World War II, among all but a few exceptional minds from among the younger generations living today. My own organization of a young-adult organization, with emphasis on Classical-artistic and scientific emphasis at the same time, reflects my strategic commitment to promoting insight into this crucial role of Classical artistic culture in providing the conditions required for promoting the development of a kernel of the promising young-adult intellects in any serious profession today.

This central role of Classical art in generating the creative powers of imagination, when it is permitted to work to such effect, has wonderful implications for the good.

At the same time, the post-1945 moral degeneracy in trans-Atlantic European culture, as under the influence of existentialism generally, and the European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), in particular, typifies the way in which the post-war cultural degeneration in Classical music has led in shaping a morally downward pattern of post-World War II cultural, moral, and economic degeneration, as among the principal causes for the currently prevalent moral, intellectual, and economic decay, and the presently threatened, early doom, of globally extended European culture.

When the proverbial "smoke has cleared" from the learning of the most crucial point in both my preceding Economic Science, in Short, and this present sequel, the most crucial point which I present in both instances, is my insistence that competent science depends upon recognizing that the location of the human individual's power to discover a valid principle, the noëtic power, is to be found in the domain of the best examples from Classical poetry and related artistic compositions, rather than in the language of mere mathematics. The evidence which supports that conclusion, is both systemic in nature, and is clear enough in itself, but that is so only when the relevant point, which I made in that earlier writing, is taken into account, as I do, more fully, in the following pages, here.

As I emphasized in that earlier piece, the key to presenting a proof of that distinction, begins with the thinker's self-critical reflection on the ironical relationship posed by considering a particular phenomenon from the vantage-point of the contrast of the same subject-matter, when, on the one hand, the emphasis is shifted from one sense of the "location" of personal identity, the ordinary, popular choice, to the higher, as this higher viewpoint is typified by Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, in which what was crucial has been his contrast of a mental image of the orbital system based on extension of a notion of visible space, to the contrasting one of harmonics.[18]

The specific type of problem, which should provoke some preliminary insight into the very specifically human nature of true human creativity, is what is otherwise expressed by Gottfried Leibniz's long struggle in his efforts to perfect his uniquely original discovery of the part played by what is ostensibly the "mathematical infinitesimal" in his discovery of the calculus.[19] Once certain elementary facts of the matter are duly considered, the origin of the ironies of the Leibniz infinitesimal, as within the preceding, unique discoveries of the principle of gravitation by Kepler, is directly clarified. This matter of the two choices of personal sense of identity, the mathematically "nitty-gritty," versus the Classical artistic, is crucial.

In this present report, I reference, and build upon what I wrote on this matter of the two, alternative senses of personal human identity, as I did in my Economic Science, in Short. As the reader shall be informed here, from this point on, the entire edifice of a competently defined science of physical economy, depends upon precisely these elementary conceptions which I recapitulate, and amplify, here, as I shall show in the subsequent, concluding chapter of this present report.

The Core Argument
To begin the argument of this point, I repeat, that to the degree that the individual regards the experience of his or her senses as "self-evident," that individual's sense of personal identity is identified, as to content, by the misguided presumption that sense-experiences are the immediate, "hard" reality of the universe. That unfortunate individual, thus defines the notion of "self," accordingly. So, the victim of that adopted illusion defines "devotion to the alleged facts" of the eyewitness experience, and of its associated senses of relative pleasures and pains. Such is the implication of the both morally and clinically pathological mental state of the so-called "behaviorists" of the Anglo-Dutch Liberals' sexual persuasion. Such were the actual, or should-be patients of Dr. Sigmund Freud.

Similarly, as in the attempted mastery of Classical musical aptitudes in the J.S. Bach tradition, even technically skilled musicians fail to reach the goals of the modern Classical musical tradition of Bach through Brahms, not because they do not know how to sing, or perform instrumental works, but because they have failed to comprehend what should have been, for them, the relevant purpose of that mission. In the cases of such short-comings, they may appear to succeed (almost) technically, but fail to reach the appropriate goal of the mission artistically. They fail to grasp true artistic creativity in their efforts to locate their personal identity in the necessary choice of place.

So, the outlook of the great Classical-artistic minds, such as those of the Platonic tradition, or the Apostle Paul of I Corinthians 13, and the actually qualified scientific thinkers, is directly contrary to that of both the naively reductionist and the scoundrels from the ranks of the Liberal followers of Paolo Sarpi and his adopted William of Ockham. The Apostle Paul, writing there, sees the world of sense-experience as if in a darkened mirror, or through a murky glass pane: as if at a distance from the sensed experience from that reality of the universe which is poorly reflected by one's sense-impressions. Thus, the great scientific thinkers think as the Apostle Paul expresses this, thus, by locating reality in the state of mind which sees sense-experiences as if but shadows of reality, rather than being considered efficient reality as such. Here lies the readily accessible concept of the existence of the human identity in the "soul," rather than the animal husk which that soul, resident essentially in V.I. Vernadsky's Noösphere, temporarily inhabits as its incarnate vehicle for its action within the mortal frames of the sensory domain.

Hence the extraordinary power lodged within the liturgical works of the greatest Classical composers, such as J.S. Bach and such among the continuation of his profession as Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms. The effort to bring the immortality of the human soul actually on stage, points to the element of sacredness of all great Classical musical composition of the Handel, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert tradition in both liturgical and profane compositions. So, for many errant offspring of European civilization, when they lost their connection to the Classical tradition of Bach, they could no longer find contact with their own souls.[20]

The essential distinction at issue on this point, is, summarily, the following.

The connection of the actually human personality to the sensory domain, is provided by the passions which inform human sensual, mortal practice. Here, in the consequences of those passions, we meet that strife of good against evils of that sort which the presently depraved state of the Obama Administration expresses, in such morbid forms as its frankly evil "health-care" and "cap-and-trade" advocacies. Let us agree to interpolate, at this point, that it is the humanist passions, such as dedication to the sacredness of the full life of the living human individual, and of the Classical artistic domain, which supply the motive for that creativity on which the morality of actual scientific creativity, among other essential qualities, depends. Classical modes in poetry, and related elements of song benefitting the crucial contribution to counterpoint of Johann Sebastian Bach, are, thus, among the most nearly perfect expression of those ordered passions of the sublime, as this was typified most neatly by Ludwig van Beethoven's Opus 132 quartet, which have been attained by known civilizations thus far.[21]

In none of what I have just presented in this chapter thus far, is there anything which deserves the epithet, "speculative." The very conception of physical science hangs upon the demonstrable reign over the causal sequence of events, by what are truly universal principles, principles which exist in a demonstrable form which is, in itself, not sensed by the sense-impressions experienced as such, but expressed only in a demonstrably efficient form which lies in a domain which is seemingly external to sense-certainty as such. Despite all empiricists, the universal principle of gravitation adduced, with unique originality, by Johannes Kepler, exists very efficiently to the present day, despite the efforts to degrade that great universal principle to a dirty empiricist's mere mathematical formula.

Admittedly, certain well-known Jewish and Christian traditions, for example, have failed miserably, as Philo of Alexandria warned the Jewish rabbis of his time against the evils of Aristotle. The Messiah will not consent to appear according to someone's concocted railway time-table. The doctrine of patient submission to evil, was not the mission of the apostles Paul and John, for example. It is not the humble acceptance of degradation, as one were a peaceful serf of one's landlord, which was ever honest Christianity, or the intent of the Mosaic testament of Genesis 1. Some say they are Christians, but worship at the Delphi shrine of the Olympian Zeus, thus, in their pitiable, serf-like humility, they deny, in that way, the very existence of that human soul which they claim to treasure.

Now, these necessary things thus said, we are ready to prepare our fresh excursion into the matter of true human individual creativity.

The general consequence of this fact, is that the available sense of personal identity presents the conscious person with two distinct options. Nothing illustrates this better, than examining the case of the empirical distinction among the three known qualities of Earthly existence of mankind: the respective experiences of the abiotic, the Biosphere, and the Noösphere. One of these two options, is the naive notion of simple, mistaken "sense-certainty." Another, is that notion of the intellect of science and Classical art, an intellect which resides at the home address of those discoverable ideas of universal principle which show us the governing principles of the real universe, as principles. Such are the principles of the science of Kepler, Leibniz, Riemann, Einstein, and Vernadsky, as these are distinct ideas, which are expressed, not by sense-experience as such, but which are associated with the powers, such as gravitation, as discovered by Kepler, which are exerted efficiently by what lies in what seems, to the illiterate, to be a mere shadow-world beyond the direct detection of sense-certainties.

Therefore, of which domain have you chosen to be an inhabitant? As a dweller in the mere shadow-land of bare sense-perceptions, or a citizen of the domain within which universal principles rule over the mere shadow-land of sense-perceptions? Thus, you each have a choice between something which is virtually a mere talking ape, such as President Obama's retinue of "behaviorists" gathered around Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, and Peter Orszag, or the alternative, of a truly human individual expressing the soul's passion, while in his manifestation in the flesh.

This set of considerations, as I shall show at a later point here, has a decisive impact on the competence, or lack of competence of thinking by nations, including their economic thinking, on the subject of a choice between a failed, and a potentially successful economic policy of nations, both individually, and interacting, today.

A Being of Two Minds
Now, review the most crucial among the points which I developed in Economic Science, in short.

In the simpler case, the human individual, and his, or her culture, mimics the beasts as such, perhaps the apes most notably. Such behavior is implicitly premised, largely, on virtually "pre-programmed" control of behavior by sense-perceptions. Otherwise, man is not an ape, and certainly not what might have been a creature designed in the bowels of "Silicon Valley." No higher ape could increase its species' potential relative population-density willfully, as humanity does, and that virtually universally. Yet, there is a crucial difference between a society dominated by sense-perceptual knowledge, and a society driven by those forms of fundamental scientific and related cultural progress which defy the prohibitions of the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. It is the Promethean form of human culture, as affirmed in Genesis 1, which expresses the human nature of our species in its most nearly natural form.

Transoceanic navigation developed by regard for the millennia-long, or longer astronomical cycles, is, perhaps, the most typical expression of the task-oriented creativity, when this is considered as a relevant example of a relatively natural state of human culture in the human species, as found in traces of the wisdom developed by very ancient maritime cultures.

As the previous high-point of glaciation retreated, temporarily, despite the global cooling periods such as that which our planet is experiencing now, in the other times when the oceans and seas grew as the ocean waters of the world rose by about four hundred feet, transoceanic maritime cultures moved inland, up what were, initially giant rivers, and gradually settled the territory abutting the riparian flows. Now, as the new upsurge of a fresh "little ice-age" encroaches on our societies today,[22] the same urge which produced the progress of mankind under the reign of the ancient maritime cultures, turns our attention to the other regions of our Solar system, and, also to the larger whole of the galaxy we inhabit, and to the fact of the grip being already exerted on humanity, here, by the radiated effects of gigantic, supragalactic developments beyond.

Much as we men and women of our times, as earlier, prize the form of our mortal existence, it is the outcome of that existence, as we may contribute to that, which is the higher devotion to that which is immortal. What we must come to prize the most in ourselves: are our honor of that past history which has brought us to life, and the legacy we wish to leave behind for vast millennia still to come. These should prompt us to embrace the prospect that there might exist, within the span of the assuredly mortal biological existence of each among us, the prospect that we might contribute to the coming into being of a future more blessed than that we experience now. If we are so inspired, we look within ourselves, searching for a quality within us which could bring forth a future better than that of our own time, and a type of human individual which is a more potent giver of the good than ever before our time.

There, precisely there, we meet the issue of the distinction between available choices of a sense of personal identity.

On the one side, as I had emphasized in my relevant preceding publication, we have the human individual whose sense of being is confined, more or less, to associating his, or her personal identity with what is called, with a certain sense of self-degradation, as the essential dirtiness of sense-certainty. On the other side, there is the nobler form of human consciousness, which regards sense-impressions as merely shadows cast by reality.

This state of two minds is defined by regard for the ironies of the relationship of the creative powers of the individual human to the fictitious world of sense-perception, as I state the case for that, once more, here and now.

As I emphasized this in Economic Science, in Short: on the one side, as I have emphasized in the relevant preceding publication, we have sense-impressions, which are essentially mere "meter readings." These readings are not a direct representation of reality, but are as if shadows cast by each respective sense-organ's activity. If, on the one hand, the individual mistakes these "meter readings" for the real universe, then, he or she locates the efficient existence of his or her own identity in the presumption that what the metering instruments show, is our efficient relationship to the real universe. Call that the nature of sense of identity "A."

If, on the other hand, we accept the evidence that those shadows are just that, merely shadows of reality, then our attachment is to the universe of that reality, an attachment which then situates our sense of personal identity, as not attached to those mere shadows, but with respect to the universe at large: in sense of identity "B ." Then, in the first case, our relationship as a person is to the universe which has cast the shadows chosen by "A" as his or her reality. In the latter option, it is the unseen universe, "B," it is the universe which has cast the shadows called perceptions, which commands our loyalties.

It is the psychological-emotional difference between the notion of one's identity in "A," or "B," as I have addressed this already in Economic Science, in Short, which defines the role of human individual creativity in the universe, which defines the subject of Vernadsky's Noösphere. Here we meet the conception of the Leibniz-inspired, Classical European Enlightenment of such as Bach and Friedrich Schiller, as reflected in the concluding paragraph of Percy B. Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.[23] Here, we encounter the essential principle of competent physical science and economy.

A Brief Recapitulation
As I have emphasized, repeatedly, in earlier publications over the years, the common principle of all of the leading founders of modern science, including Filippo Brunelleschi as, more emphatically, Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Pierre de Fermat, Gottfried Leibniz, and, more recently, Bernhard Riemann and his principal followers Albert Einstein and Academician V.I. Vernadsky.

While the founding principles of a successful mode in modern physical science have been set by the De Docta Ignorantia of the crucial Renaissance figure of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, there is more than one coincidence between the roles of Brunelleschi and Cusa up through the time of the great ecumenical Council of Florence. The often overlooked, crucial scientific feature of the construction of the dome of the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, as designed and conducted by Brunelleschi, is Brunelleschi's use of the function of the physical principle of the catenary, without which the construction would not have been feasible.

The catenary is a physical curve, sometimes identified as the funicular curve, rather than a formally geometric curve, a physical curve which lies at the center of the most crucial foundations of modern European physical science, including such outcomes as the Leibniz-Jean Bernouilli development of the crucial physical principle of a universal physical principle of least action. The catenary curve's physical properties were explored to crucial scientific effect by the celebrated follower of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, who advanced physical science in a functional way by presenting the functional interrelationship of the catenary and tractrix. There is a functional, virtually genetic sort of anti-Euclidean principle connecting this role by Brunelleschi, Cusa, and Leonardo, to both the duplication of the cube by the ancient Archytas and to the fundamental contribution of Bernhard Riemann's own superseding of formal geometries by physical geometry, as in his 1854 habilitation dissertation.

The essential fact of the matter is, that Brunelleschi and Nicholas of Cusa launched the only competent development of modern physical science, the physical science of non-Euclidean physical geometry; their opponents, such as the followers of Aristotle-Euclid and Paolo Sarpi's resurrection of a much-decayed intellectual corpse of William of Ockham, have been failures, often terrible ones, for longer than half a millennium since.

The Crucial Role of Physical Curves
This subject of the distinction between what are to be classed as "naturally" physical curves, such as the catenary, and the formal-geometric curves of the intrinsically, scientifically fraudulent system of Aristotle and his follower Euclid, is of crucial importance for locating a demonstrable sort of experimental form of proof of the true nature of the human mind.

It is important to take into account, in aid of clarity on this point, that Aristotle was a malicious liar, of which it is to be said, as by Philo of Alexandria on theology, that there was no truth, except on subjects such as suitable methods for political assassinations by poisoning, in the philosophy of Aristotle. My immediate reference here, is to the fraudulent character of the a-prioristic, axiomatic presumptions of Euclidean geometry.

The overthrow, by Bernhard Riemann, as in his 1854 habilitation dissertation, of that body of Sophist dogma attributable to the legacy of Aristotle-Euclid in geometry, was the culmination of a long body of resistance to the fraud of Aristotle-Euclid, in the poisonous assumption that physical reality must necessarily proceed from notions of space, time, and matter consistent with the ontological presumptions associated with sense-certainty. The existence of physical geometries which are experimentally real, but which discredit the kind of tradition of a-priorism associated with the Aristotle-Euclid hoax, is not merely the essential root of the quarrel between competent modern scientists and the pagan religious dogmas of the mathematicians, still today; the corresponding types of crucial-experimental physical evidence,[24] show us evidence which is crucial, inasmuch as states of physical processes exist, as typified by the case of the catenary's role in physical scientific subject-matters, which relegate the Aristotle-Euclid arguments to the realms of fairy-tales dwelling only outside the real world.

We had a recent, rather crucial demonstration of this point in the LaRouche Youth Movement basement crew's actual construction of a physical model of the discovery of the orbit of the asteroid Ceres as the team followed faithfully the construction indicated by the argument by Carl F. Gauss.[25] As the demonstration showed, conclusively, the possibility of Gauss's discovery existed only outside the confines of a pro-Aristotelean sort of a-priorism, in a tensor-space entirely outside the bounds of the Aristotle-Euclid or Newtonian mythologies.

Identity "A" is therefore fictitious; an identity of the type "B," is therefore mandatory, scientifically.

Review the evidence which I have already considered in Economic Science, in Short, in that light. The fact that the strict interpretation of the case for Euclidean geometry is false relative to the crucial physical-experimental evidence, and that repeatedly, demonstrates that those assumptions based on the a-prioristic presumptions of such products of the Aristotle-Euclid presumption, and the modern perversion of that presumption known as empiricism, are intrinsically false to reality. The existence of, and importance of physical curves which are not axiomatically geometrical in origin, provides the key to discovering a true representation of either the universe, or, more modestly, of our practical relationship to it. Such is the "hereditary" implication of the Leibniz-Bernoulli universal physical principle of least action. The evidence supplied by the greatest followers of Bernhard Riemann, such as Einstein and Vernadsky, and, as emphasized by the great Eratosthenes, by the ancient Archytas who duplicated the cube by methods of construction, is crucial.[26]

Identity 'B': The Timely Correction
As I had emphasized in Economic Science, in Short, the most crucial evidence of experimental scientific practice, as in my science of physical economy, is, the functions of sense-perception are those of merely shadows of the experienced universe around us. They are neither right nor wrong, except when we make the mistake of blaming them for the wrong interpretations we might often impose upon our experiences. Once we are prepared to presume that these might be merely shadows of reality, rather than a direct view of reality as such, we remain at least relatively sane, and more or less still on firm ground for practice.

As any competent reflections on the work of experimental scientific investigations suggests, we must treat our powers of sense-perception as like any other useful information secured through instrumentation. We must search for mutually contradictory evidence found among the different senses, just as Kepler proceeded in his uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal gravitation ordering the behavior of our Solar system. It is the contradictions among such sources' evidence, on which we are obliged to depend for practicable judgments as to what in our perceptions is illusion, and what is confirmed by examining the conflicting evidence of different specific powers of naturally given, or synthetic modes of sense-perception, as a way to check one type of such information against others.

This means, that, instead of regarding a particular kind of sense-experience as proof of principle, we must explore the contradictory messages of contrasted experience of the same event. In this way, we must reveal to ourselves the principle lurking commonly behind otherwise apparently contradictory, but coinciding experience. The crucial point here, is that the ability to remedy the discrepancies among qualities of sense-impressions, requires an agency which separates and connects the experience (Identity "A") with respect to the identity of the human mind of the individual person (Identity "B").

Thus, the relatively bestialized person believes in what we term "sense-certainty," whereas the actually knowing person is focused upon the means by which relevant kinds of mutually contradictory sensed evidence can be resolved, as if by extended exploratory examinations conducted with the intent of uncovering, in that way, and no other, the nature of the universe (and of its current state) which we inhabit.

However, that observation which I have just introduced, must not be taken simplistically, as if in terms of individual experience as such. Wisdom lies not in individual experience, but in the history of man's interaction with his knowledge of the evolution of experience. In this way, the necessary discipline of the serious thinker, is the need to rise above simple sense-perception of our individual experiences, to a notion which is customarily termed among relevant theologians as a "simultaneity of eternity." In other words, rather than the foolish presumption, that "time," as experienced, contains the universe's actual history as a simple matter of chronology, we must presume what Albert Einstein and others have obliged us to consider as physical-space-time, rather than space and time as qualities presumed to be independent factors defining a fixed framework for our experience.[27]

Such is the difference between the actual historian as a true scientist, of former times, such as my dear friend and collaborator, H. Graham Lowry, and the mere chronologists who have replaced them today.[28] Not that honest chronologists are not invaluable in their own right, but they have usually not grasped the principle of history itself as a scientifically lawful process expressing deep principles of history as in physical science, as my own studies of the physical-economic roots of European culture over the span from ancient Sumer to the present, illustrate. It is the ebbs and flows of the culturally-determined ebbs and flows of increases and decreases of the potential relative population-densities of cultures, peoples, and their nations, which are the true basis for historical physical space-time in the work of the competent historian, a basis which finds its determination in the notion of economy as an expression of ebbs and flows of physical space-time.[29]

These historical flows of cultural processes, supply the basis in evidence for accounting for Percy Bysshe Shelley's theses in his A Defence of Poetry. The appropriate subject of our attention in respect to that writing of his, as summarized in the concluding paragraph, is to be recognized as a statement of the same principle of dynamics introduced to modern science by Gottfried Leibniz during the decade of the 1690s.

Whereas, the reductionist followers of Paolo Sarpi and Sarpi's lackey Galileo, such as the hoaxster Rene Descartes, present an intrinsically incompetent view of physical science, an incompetent view which presumed the notion proffered to emptied heads by their stupefied admiration of objects floating eternally, in their empty heads, within empty space and time, Leibniz retorted to Descartes' fraudulent scheme, by presenting his revival of the ancient Classical Greek concept of dynamis, which has served since as the basis for the only competent modern conception of physical-space-time. Only the stunning opening paragraphs of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation, have had a more shockingly profound, and wonderful impact in favor of the progress of science, since the case of Leibniz's presentation of the concept of modern dynamics. Only the development of this conception of Riemannian dynamics by Albert Einstein and V.I. Vernadsky, has a comparably, deeply underlying, present importance for all mankind today.

The extremely significant implication, for our immediate purposes in this chapter, of the line of argument which I have been presenting in the preceding paragraphs, is the nature and role of the intermediating process which distinguishes the viewpoint of adopted identity "A," from that of identity "B."

The Principle of Experiment
In the naive human creature, sense-certainty, as the fascistic behaviorist lackeys of the Obama administration typify this depraved, "instinctive" moral state of being, reigns over the kingdom of subjects which are the pathetically ignorant. The victim of such a delusion puts himself into a direct, dependent, essentially pagan, morally depraved relationship, to his own senses and appetites, his perceptions of more or less equally gratifying sensations of pleasure and pain. Here we have the case of the type produced by the essential principle of identity "A."

As I have previously emphasized, in sundry places and occasions, the natural, healthy state of development of the individual human personality, prompts that person to despise the conduct, and the opinion of the behaviorist, as that of a victim of his own bestialized depravity. He has no actual morality, but, chiefly, in the final analysis, only the substitute for morality afforded him by his own depraved appetites. It is what he, or she, the narcissist, gets, especially "my own way," rather than the satisfaction in what one is enabled to give, which is the mere mechanism which the hedonist, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, or the utterly depraved Roman Emperor Nero, adopts as a replacement for actually human morality.

The distinction of this depraved individual from the moral person is to be discovered, at least most efficiently, by examining, clinically, the processes of sense-perception. What is the human individual's functional relationship to the system which is his, or her relationship to the experience of sense-perception? It is precisely here, that the functional distinction between type "A" and "B" is most readily located.

It can, and should be said, at this point in the report, that the result of a careful consideration of this question, as to the nature of the difference between the two types, is located in the notion of man and woman as made in the image of the Creator, as defined in Genesis 1, or the epistles of such as the Apostles Paul and John.

The brutish person sees sense-perception as immediate reality; type "B" sees the object of sense-perception as a shadowy symptom of the efficient presence of an unseen reality. Not only is what is adduced thus received; but, the receipt prompts a response to the known efficiency of the unseen reality of the universe we inhabit.

So, the relationship of Type "A" to the reality of the same experience, as I defined this distinction in Economic Science, in Short, differs absolutely, in principle, from that of Type "B". Type "B" corresponds to the specifically dynamic, scientific outlook of such as Leibniz, Riemann, Einstein, and Vernadsky.

Return, for a moment, to a Percy B. Shelley considered from this same vantage-point.

The revolution in that explicit definition of modern physical science supplied, beginning the 1690s, by Gottfried Leibniz, the introduction of the principle of dynamics, is to be considered as a notion identical to the thesis presented within the closing paragraph of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry:

"The most unfailing herald, companion, and follower of the awakening of a great people to work a beneficial change in opinion or institution, is poetry. At such periods there is an accumulation of the power of communicating intense and impassioned conceptions respecting man and nature. The person in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet compelled to serve, that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul. They measure the circumference and sound the depths of human nature with a comprehensive and all penetrating spirit, and they are themselves perhaps the most astonished at its manifestations, for it is less their spirit than the spirit of the age. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration: the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."

That passage from Shelley's work is also an echo of the concept of dynamics which Leibniz brought to bear against the evil of Descartes.

We are not the particles of which the whole process which we inhabit is composed. We are an expression of that which controls our thoughts and behavior in their effect upon the large, except for those among us who sit above such levels, as those who are qualified to lead societies out of self-inflicted dangers, must exist to do. We who meet that challenge of being representative of Type "B," are the only ones fit to lead society upward out of its own self-inflicted threat of doom, as in the world at large, as now. Such is the social dynamic principle which gives a civilization moral fitness to survive such calamities as grip the world in its entirety at this moment.

Please, therefore, for humanity's sake, now join the ranks of Type "B."

IV. The New Economics
In my earlier professional incarnation as a management consultant, and in my kindred professional functions as an economist, I was often privy to intimate glimpses into the management practices of still functioning firms which were haunted by the memory and other effects of the plausible tycoons who had once led these enterprises, or their like, during the first half of the Twentieth Century and its great economic depression. The generation of their management which I knew personally, was often typified by a blending of surviving sundry heirs and professional managers, who reigned in such firms during the period of my young manhood and later, most among whom were, at their best, pale ghosts of the figures who had formerly led those enterprises.

My direct experience of that sort gave me the advantage of insight into the history and related characteristics of numerous categories of firms comparable to those types I knew more intimately during my own time. There are important lessons to be shared today, to be adduced from my knowledge gained from that time. When I have looked at them, I often recalled the principle of Leibniz's dynamics represented by a passage which I have just cited from what you should recall from the concluding paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry: "The persons in whom this power resides, may often, as far as regards many portions of their nature, have little apparent correspondence with that spirit of good of which they are the ministers. But even whilst they deny and abjure, they are yet compelled to serve, that power which is seated on the throne of their own soul."

In the post-World War II times under the 1945-1953 reign of the unlikely President Harry Truman and his crew, the memory of the President Franklin Roosevelt who had saved us was still powerful to many of us as persons, but his political legacy was already fading in Washington, D.C. itself.

Post-Franklin Roosevelt Wall Street had been in a hurry from the start, hastening to rid the economy and the minds of citizens of almost anything which was a serious reflection of President Franklin Roosevelt's U.S.A.

Essentially, while these enterprises had been something of significance during several decades of earlier time, most notably during the decades preceding the Hoover depression, the managements of those firms, during my encounter with them, were, essentially, living on the laurels, not the intellectual legacy of the deceased late President. It was a time when Wall Street was already in the process of digesting the once respectable, privately held enterprises into a state of oncoming extinction. For that moment, the heirs of the old management enjoyed pretending that they were demi-gods of entrepreneurial prowess; in reality, they were nothing of the sort. The old pirates, their fading predecessors, even in their kindest moments, would have seen their successors with pity and disgust.

The present managements of my time, during the 1950s and 1960s, assumed that they carried the genes of past economic achievement; but, in fact, they only tried to imitate it, as President John F. Kennedy attempted with some brief successes. There was some remaining, honest skill among the management cadres of such firms, especially the scientists and leading technicians at least, this had been true, at first; but, the system as a whole was already rotting from the top down. Ownership mimicked what it assumed as a style in appropriate postures and imagery, without really understanding anything about the end-result of the post-war process as a whole. Actually, they understood nothing of durable importance respecting the longer term of the economy at large. The ugly years of the Truman Presidency had taken a terrible moral and intellectual toll.

Now, for the most part, those figures from the past, even from most from among my own generation, are now dead in fact. Even the crumbling recollections of what had been the relatively successful management practices of the heirs of the World War II economy, have now become a parody of an abandoned past, a kind of mental, economic wind-up toy which the reigning financier interest of today has no competence in rewinding, with no real actual desire to rewind that which they presume they have inherited as an acquisition gained in the outcome of some shoddy financial swindle led by a Felix Rohatyn or his like. During the late 1970s and 1980s, I also came to know a sampling of some of the best managements in the Federal Republic of Germany; they, too, and their competence, are now chiefly lost in the memories of the past. The utter incompetence in economics matters by the picaresque swindlers of the world since the October 1987 U.S. stock-market crash, has taken over business and related power, but they have no idea of how the damned thing which they had acquired actually ever worked.

Continue to final part 3

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