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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 06:11 AM CDT

Sweeteners Make Sweet Life But Promise Cancer Instead


To get rid of extra weight and extra inches on their waists and hips, many women exclude sugar from their diets. Instead they use various low-calorie substitutes. Doctors warn that certain artificial sugar substitutes, such as cyclamate, are harmful for your body and may contain carcinogenic substances. Saccharine is also not that harmless as many people think
Artificial sugar substitutes were created for people suffering from diabetes, and not for those who are trying to lose weight. Everyone knows about their positive affects, but for the sake of safety people should study instructions and strictly adhere to the recommended daily dose.

Artificial sugar substitutes

Most artificial sugar substitutes (saccharine, aspartame, etc.) have zero energy value, but they are not good for a human body.

Saccharine (Å-954). Commercial titles- Sweet'n'Low, Sprinkle Sweet, Twin, Sweet 10. Advertisers attract people by saying that one hundred pills can substitute from six to twelve kilograms of sugar with zero calories.

Saccharine is allowed in most countries, but doctors do not recommend taking it unless you suffer from diabetes. Scientists are convinced that saccharine contains carcinogenic substances and do not recommend to take it on empty stomach. It should be taken together with foods high in carbohydrates (crackers, bread, pasta, etc.)

Besides, doctors still suspect that saccharin causes exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

Safe dose should not exceed 0.2 grams per day.

Cyclamate (Å 952)

A standard container (100 pills) substitutes for four to eight kilograms of sugar and has zero calories. Cyclamate easily dissolves and can withstand very high temperatures; therefore it can be used while cooking,

Cyclamate is banned in the US and the EU countries as doctors believe it may provoke renal insufficiency. In Russia it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Safe dose should not exceed 0.8 grams per day.

Aspartame (Å 951)

Other names – sweetly, slastilin, sucrazit, NutraSweet.

A standard container (100 pills) substitutes for four to eight kilograms of sugar and has zero calories. Currently it is considered the safest sugar substitute in the world as the dose of carcinogen in it is insignificant.

Safe dose should not exceed 0.35 grams per day.

Acesulfame potassium (å 950)

Contains dimethyl ether that worsens the functioning of cardiovascular system, and aspartic acid that over stimulates nerve system and may be addictive.

For a long time Acesulfame potassium was banned in the US as it was considered poison. Products containing this sugar substitute are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Safe dose should not exceed 1.0 grams per day.


A standard container (1200 pills) substitutes for six kilograms of sugar and is calorie-free. It contains somewhat toxic fumaric acid, but is allowed in Europe.

Safe dose should not exceed 0.7 grams per day.

Natural Substitutes

If you are absolutely unable to exclude sugar from your diet, it is better to use natural, not artificial substitutes. They have fewer calories than sugar and have other advantages.

Fructose is contained in berries and fruit, flower nectar, plants seeds, and honey. It has 30 percent less calories than sucrose and speeds up breakdown of alcohol in blood.

Xylite produced from corn cobs and cotton seeds husk is good for your teeth and stomach. However, sorbite that can be found in apples, apricots and ashberry is not good for those who diet. It has 55 percent more calories than regular sugar.

Yelena Chirkova

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