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Wednesday, April 24 2024 @ 07:29 AM CDT

Adulterer To Run for Head(job) of Family Values Christian Party (ie RepukniCons)

Whited Sepulchers

DeMinted Politics

The Newt of the Regressive Wing of the Republican Party

Sounds like a winning scenerio Newtie!
Go for it, and drag all of the other losers with you!

Bob Franken

Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and all the rest, need to watch their backs, as they make their thinly disguised runs for their party’s presidential nomination (make that “anorexically disguised). While they might present themselves as the champions of Dark Ages Republicans there is someone else out there who personifies everything the national GOP stands for.

It can be completely summed up in three words: “Destroy Obama’s Presidency”.

The leader of that band is not Palin nor Gingrich, shameless partisans though they may be. The Obstructionist-in-Chief title goes to Jim DeMint, R (of course), South Carolina. You had probably figured that out, now hadn’t you?.

This is the guy, after all, who had summed up his view of health care reform as nothing more than an opportunity to severely weaken the President. That’s it. He made no bones about it. His exact words were ”If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”

As much as that endeared him to the Base’s basest instincts, Jim Demint wasn’t about to rest on those laurels. After all, almost no Republican is backing health care reform. So DeMint realizes he must always come up with other ways to stand out by standing in the way. And he has found quite a few.

For instance, as the nation trembles after that near disaster when a a crazed Al Qaeda terrorist almost blew a filled airliner out of the sky over Detroit, there is a furious debate about the massive protective apparatus and how it allowed him to so easily waltz right past its ridiculously uncoordinated barriers.

Our politicians are falling all over themselves demanding answers and solutions from those in charge. And rightfully so. Shouldn’t we be hearing from the head of the Transportation Security Administration?

The problem is, there is no head of the TSA. Only an Acting head while the administration’s nominee is being held up by a Senator. And who would that be? Yup. Jim DeMint.

It seems he is not satisfied that the White House selection to be TSA chief would not do enough to prevent unions from organizing those who must enforce the misery at airport terminal gates.

Union-bashing is always a tried and true way to win the hearts of any conservative. So it’s hardly surprise that Mr. DeMint is out there manning the partisan barricades. It’s a cheap shot it’s true, but it’s a shot, aimed at Demint’s one target…the Democrats.

Never mind that we need leadership for the nearly impossible job of staying ahead of terrorist crazies. Apparently that doesn’ matter to someone who has only one focus…his political ambitions.

Mr. Gingrich, Ms. Palin and all the rest should not forget that before JIm DeMint he got into politics, he was in the market research biz, where the first rule is “Whatever Sells, No Matter What”. Now he is his product and he’s obviously selling himself as the next President. No matter what.

Eye of Newt Gingrich, Adulterer, Liar, Breached the Contract with America, and Good ole southern Son of a Bitch - Compared to Boss Hogg of Dukes of Ted Haggard, supports adult diapers on Southern GOP Senators, was responsible for directing the path of Hurricane Katrina so he could cash in on Emergency Funds from the Federal Treasury.. (but little went to his states\' victims of his Katrina)--

On January 21, 1997, the House voted overwhelmingly (395 to 28) to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich for ethics violations dating back to September 1994. The house ordered Gingrich to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House\'s 208-year history it had disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.

Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Speaker Gingrich during his term, including claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes. Gingrich denied the charges over misuse of tax-exempt funds; however, he admitted to providing inaccurate statements during the probe over the college course and agreed to pay US$300,000 for the cost of the investigation. The House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented \"intentional or ... reckless\" disregard of House rules.

A newt is an amphibian of the Salamandridae family, although not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts. Newts are classified in the subfamily Pleurodelinae of the family Salamandridae, and are found in Georgia, North America, Europe and Asia. Newts metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile (called an eft), and adult. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and may be either fully aquatic, living permanently in the water, or semi-aquatic, living terrestrially but returning to the water each year to breed.

Newt\'s Christian Family Value\'s Record
Gingrich has been married three times. He married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old. She was seven years his senior at 26 years old. They had two daughters, and he pressured her for a divorce in 1981, while she was recovering from cancer surgery. Numerous allegations that Gingrich was callous in the way he handled the divorce were made in a 1984 Mother Jones magazine article. In 1981, six months after his divorce was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther. He remained married to Ginther until 2000, when they divorced. Shortly thereafter, Gingrich then married Callista Bisek, with whom he was conducting an extra-marital affair- while at the same time accusing Bill Clinton of treason for his extra-marital activities. A Baptist since graduate school, Gingrich converted to Catholicism (the pedophile religion) which does NOT allow divorce!! or illicit sex with anyone over 18 years of age.

Sarai Palin, Hypocrite, Abstinence Only promoter (except for the Palin family), Against unwed pregnancies, (except for the Palin family), Against condoms (except for the Palin family), For illiteracy and against intelligence (especially for the Palin family),

Believes God put animals on the earth for her to murder from helicopters (at state expense),

Claims to have super-human capabilities (thinks she can see Moscow from Fairbanks, Alaska; )

Believes in talking in tongues (doesn\'t have a clue what she\'s saying in English either),

She is a noted anti-semant, using anti-semantic slurs in every speech or interview;)

She claims to be non-racist, as long as no black person crosses her path in Alaska, and black folk are not part of her \'Real America\')

She thinks that God created man 6,000 years ago, (and it\'s 6000 years of improper breeding that makes her so illiterately stupid)

Belongs to religious cult, (but so do other RepubliCONs, Ted Haggard, Jim Jones, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Unibomber)

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