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Thursday, April 25 2024 @ 11:13 PM CDT

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain

Mind Control

The Tea Party Movement’s Deafening Silence

by Don't Tea On Me

It seems that by the week, the month and the election cycle, the curtain gets pulled back a little bit more on what Brent Budkowsky has correctly labeled the ‘polyester populism’ of the Tea Party Movement. And as it does, it becomes more and more obvious just how pervasive and powerful corporate control of our country, our government and our lives has become.

Of course the first clue to the wizard at work behind the ‘Tea Party curtain’ was provided during the 2008 bailout of Wall St. that garnered nary a peep out of anyone from what is now the Tea Party. The end result was that through the largesse of taxpayer dollars, the rich companies and the powerful people running them stayed rich and powerful. But then came the Stimulus Act of 2009, and the same folks that soaked up taxpayer dollars in November 2008 became so outraged at irresponsible government spending that the wizard behind the curtain rolled out Rick Santelli to deliver his scripted rant on CNBC calling for a tea party uprising against the government, which was conveniently followed by an overnight roll out of well-funded websites and tea party chapters around the country.

Now BP Oil, and the devastating oil spill they are responsible for in the Gulf, has served to pull the curtain back even further, revealing more of the wizard pulling the Tea Party levers and switches.

I mean c’mon folks, let’s think about this for a minute. If there was ever a populist cause that deserved the anger of the Tea Party Movement, it is BP and the disaster in the Gulf. Why do I say that?

Well for one thing, when the intellectually challenged Santelli read his script on CNBC calling for a revolt against the government like that which took place in Boston, poor Rick was oblivious to the reality that the 1773 insurrection was largely in response to the East India Company, a British corporation, and their monopoly on tea imports screwing Americans. Still, Santelli’s false rallying cry ignited many demonstrations, rallies and marches of angry Americans.

However, in response to a modern day British corporation with a long and well known record of callous disregard for U.S. laws and regulations impacting American interests and lives, the current Tea Party Movement has little if anything to say about it.

Where are the angry demonstrations at BP gas stations around the country Tea Partiers?

Why no marches flying yellow flags with coiled snakes proclaiming ‘Don’t Spill On Me!’

Where are protests holding posters with Tony Hayward’s image, oil dripping from his fangs or the blood of Gulf wildlife dripping from his fingers?

Where is the outrage against a foreign company soiling our shores, while still raking in millions at the pumps?

Why do the unfounded claims of death panels by Palin and Grassley send Tea Partiers to the buses to march on Washington, but the deaths of 11 Americans and the devastation of American livelihoods in the Gulf region elicit a shrug and a comment like the one posted by Kythra at Furfinnity “that shit happens.”? (and BTW Kythra, why don’t you try telling that to the families of the 11 that died on that BP leased oil rig)

I mean really, I just don’t get it. How many Tea Party members are still rolling into the local BP to fill up their American made cars or trucks? Where is the Tea Party mantra of taking back our country from foreign influences? Is there an organized Tea Party movement to boycott BP, a British company, and instead support American owned oil companies? If there is, I sure haven’t heard about it.

But then again, have you noticed what has been going on with so many of the outspoken critics of the POTUS? Seems that the same voices that criticized everything done by the current administration, no matter how major or minor, have little to say about what is taking place in the Gulf.

Why isn’t Glenn Beck up in arms, running to his blackboard to outline lavish conspiracies about foreign corporations and their plans to subvert the American way of life?

How come Sean Hannity isn’t standing on a stage somewhere exhorting outraged Americans to punish BP and those who were leading the cheers to DRILL, BABY DRILL at the Republican Convention in 2008 or at the Tea Party Convention?

Sadly, in the face of what is looking more and more like one of the most damaging and devastating attacks on American soil, and American lives, by a foreign entity in a generation, all we hear from the Tea Party Movement is deafening silence. Could it be because of the wizard behind the Tea Party curtain?

Toto…where are you when we need you?

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